JLPT N5 Study Order

Hello everyone! I just joined this community and I just want to ask for tips and advices for your study order for JLPT N5/N4. I am confident in my kana reading right now. So, what do you think should I do next? I don’t know what to do next is it to start with the vocabulary, grammar or kanji? Thanks in advance for your advice.

  1. Many (myself included) recommend working through Genki I and II (textbooks and workbooks). You will be going through grammar and gradually learn Kanji along the way. Eventually though learning material like Genki will run out after N4, somewhere along N3 and will focus more on JLPT related drills for N2 and N1. Once you reach that point, I suggest consuming lots of native content (books, manga etc). There still are textbooks like Tobira and Quartett for lower intermediate levels.

    Another resource would be [Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide](https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/) it’s a free website where you can work through all major basic grammar points. There’s different opinions on its usefulness but I’d say for beginners it’s definitely a good start. Something similar or rather the answer to Tae Kim is [IMABI!](https://www.imabi.net) though it’s going a lot more in depth and might be a little overwhelming for beginners.

    There’s quite some YouTube channels as well; most popular ones are CureDolly and Japanese Ammo with Misa. TokiniAndy has some videos on Genki where he works through chapters.

    Good luck on your journey!

  2. Refold has a great guide on language learning if you’re interested: [https://refold.la/simplified](https://refold.la/simplified) (I found it quite helpful)

    If you’re studying for N5, I found this free resource helpful: [https://nihongolibrary.com/home/free-japanese-study-materials/](https://nihongolibrary.com/home/free-japanese-study-materials/)

    If you haven’t heard of anki, I think it is one of the most important tools for learning Japanese [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz60qTP2Gx0&ab_channel=MattvsJapan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz60qTP2Gx0&ab_channel=MattvsJapan)

    – [https://apps.ankiweb.net/](https://apps.ankiweb.net/)

    I saw someone else commenting that you should check out the subreddit guide, and I also think that’s a great suggestion. Good luck!

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