Is there anywhere I can get Chef Boyardee in Japan?

Hey guys stupid question but chef boyardee has been my guilty pleasure when I was living in the states and I was wondering if I can it or something similar here.

I really love the fake tasting beef and extremely soft noodles and the sweet sauce. Thank you

  1. Unless you know someone on a U.S. military base, you’re outta luck.

    Try some frozen/dried ravioli/tortellini and that generic “meat sauce” from any Japanese supermarket??

  2. As much as I hate chef boyardee, I respect you for coming out the closet and asking where you can find it. Will I judge you? Yes, but I think you are strong for asking such a crazy mf question! RESPECT!

  3. Might not be helpful, but I’ve found some of the cheap meat pasta sauce packs taste exactly like Chef Boyardee. Add overcooked, thick spaghetti and you’re nearly there, I think.

  4. There’s something here in Japan that oddly tastes *exactly* like Chef Boyardee but it isn’t even pasta, at least not that I recall, and my memory is so shit at the moment I can’t remember what exactly it was. Anyone else know what I’m talking about?

  5. was going to judge but this post made me also crave those disgusting little morsels. you can take the girl out of the US….

  6. National Azabu in Tokyo. I went there literally a couple days ago and grabbed a can so my Japanese husband could have a taste of the nasty American food I grew up with lol

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