How do overtime hours work with salary?

So my wife worked 6 days a week, plus 1-3 hours over time each day during the holidays. Upon receiving her lay cheque, she only was given 10 hours of overtime despite doing roughly 50-60 hours a week. We’re on salary, and we’re guaranteed 256 working days per year, but the schedules are changed every month. Christmas is planned in advance, but shouldn’t you get overtime rates despite the salary contract for those days?

  1. Generally all salary employees have 40hrs of overtime built into their salary. So your getting overpaid each month if you work less than 40hrs overtime how nice!

    So normally only any overtime hours over 40 or the number in your contract will be paid.

  2. Why didn’t you just ask her…? It’s her pay and she should know the terms….

  3. Most likely built in overtime. At my company we have 30 hours but are permitted to work up to 45 per month which means everyone tend to do ao

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