Ventilation system 冬期 setting

Our ventilation system at home is on 24/7. The control panel has a winter (冬期) setting which I activate every winter. But I was thinking today that I actually have no idea what it does… does it just make the airflow a bit weaker?

  1. The manual is the best bet for a correct answer. What is the make/model of the system?

  2. Don’t have an official answer, but perhaps it functions like ロスナイ. Basically like a heat exchanger so that incoming air from outside isn’t either much colder or much hotter than inside. Though TBF ロスナイ works in pretty much any season I think.

    Maybe yours just mixes some internal (more humid) air so the ventilation doesn’t tank your humidity?

  3. I have the same thing. It’s annoying. Our building management says we’re supposed to keep it on 24 hours a day but I mean…

    fuck that.. paying all this money to heat our apartment and then you want us to chuck all the warm air out and replace it with cold air.

    The winter setting barely makes any difference. The annoying sound of air flow is *slightly* less annoying but that’s about it.

    It’s annoying that we still have to choose between (1) being warm but having terrible condensation/humidity or (2) being freezing but having less humidity.

    I don’t understand how we (collectively, not just some passive housing experts in Switzerland or something) haven’t figured out heating and ventilation.

  4. I would recommend using the 冬期. What it does is it lowers the fan power since winter is dry and cold already. It’ll save you electricity.

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