Ratios and trades?

I wasn’t sure how to title this, so sorry if it’s not properly titled lol. I’m not sure I know the English for the type of phrase I’m looking for!(or if it has a name!)

If say I wanted to say one for one, like swapping something, or two for one, like a sale, how would those be phrased?

I’m completely unsure of this, but I would be using the alternative forms right? So hitotsu etc? How would the phrasing go? What particle is used etc?

Also how are fractions of things expressed? Ichi ban san?

  1. Fractions: try [google](https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=how+to+say+fractuons+in+japanese&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-jp&client=safari). Report back if confused.

    Bartering: I believe it’s more natural to say stuff like “how (I give you) about two” where “you give me one (or whatever, from context)” is implied. So something like ビール一缶は?柿ピーもつけるし。ビールは嫌い?じゃあ激安酎ハイ二缶ならどうよ? is how I’d expect the interaction to happen.
    Use whatever counter appropriate for the item.

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