How best to deal with a threat from a fellow expat.

Some context.

I’m a member of a Japan gardening group on Facebook. People sharing photos of their plants and giving advice sort of thing.

This guy joins and makes a post about some pies he cooked. It’s not gardening so a mod removes it. He flips out making a rant post about censorship and such nonsense.

I get to the ‘party’ quite late. A mod has already clarified his post was off-topic and some others are defending the mods.

Anyway, He’s still ranting and threatening to leave in the comments so I post the 👋 emoji. He replies to tell me i’m supporting censorship and some other stuff (long comment I didn’t read it all) so I reply to his reply with 👋 again.

He screenshots it and posts our ‘conversation’ if you can call it that and says I’m a terrible person. He does the same for a couple of other members that didn’t defend him. I reacted to it with the ‘heart’ reaction.

Alright, I baited it a little. I didn’t have to, but the guy was been an arsehole. The whole post was later removed by a mod after he left/was kicked out.

I forgot all about this until today when I notice I had a pending message request.

[So he makes this threat](

It was made 11 days ago and I’m leaning towards the belief that he’s all talk. I doubt he could find me based only on that information alone but I’m still wondering if I should at least report this to the police especially since he could or maybe already did try to mess with my workplace.

So my question is what is the best way forward here? Should I report it? If I do what should I prepare before I go to the police station.

I already know quite a lot of information about him from his profile. (Facebook name, age, nationality, car license plate and a facial photo) which should be enough to identify him even if the name isn’t real.

Update: Thanks for the advice. I’ll not bother reporting it to the police. I think it’s just talk mainly due to the time that’s passed since. I have reported it to FB though.

  1. Don’t argue on the internet and make all your information private in fb. Police probably won’t do anything if you go to them.

  2. Never knew gardening was such a cutthroat hobby.

    Get back at him by doxing his pie recipe.

  3. The image you posted looks like the kind of troll BS I get sometimes. You should report it to Facebook if you haven’t already. Otherwise, I wouldn’t worry about it. Most people who post things like that have no real courage because it takes none to harass people anonymously online.

  4. That’s why you don’t get into arguments online with people you don’t know using your real name. You can either get “cancelled” or literally killed, neither of which would be brilliant outcomes.

  5. How dare you support the censorship of my sugar powdered madeleines with a light hint of orange zest?

    I know where you live and work. I will systematically send you, your family, friends and colleagues some very stale madeleines. That should teach you a lesson!

  6. If there is anything I learned on the internet – don’t engage with idiots online unless you do it from a completely anonymous profile. Just not worth it.

  7. You can definitely report this to police and they will take it seriously. There’s been plenty of cases of online abuse and threats (even insults) being dealt with harshly recently, they revised the penal code just last year.

  8. I’d report it just in case to create a paper trail in the case something (god forbid) does happen. They might not do anything, but it’ll open a record.

  9. did….did he threaten you with…. charisma? Did he roll a nat 1 on that?

    on a side note, most phones have location meta data in the photos.useful and terrifying.

  10. Let some good reliable friends know the situation. And be clear you are not trying to spread rumors but just have some witnesses in case.

    As a hardcore and angry proponent of free speech and mouthy, aggressive hater of censorship and censors, its a bunch of pies and nothing that is going to sow justice or save society, so he needs to get over it.

  11. He’s an unhinged clown.

    With that said, you saw that and still decided to engage. Value your time more.

    Police will probably shake you down if you report it

  12. What a waste of time and energy with this post. Just ignore the request and move on with your life sheesh. Go touch grass literally.

  13. It’s Facebook — so for all you know, this guy lives in Antartica. I’ve dealt with my fair share of Internet weirdos, including on this sub. (One turned into an IRL threat with IRL stalker, which is a different story!)

    But! Report it to Facebook AND block the dude. Lock down any other socials you have under your name for the time being. He’ll get over it soon enough.

  14. Dude report it. If anything, they will have something on file. Prob not the first time he’s done this sort of thing.

  15. Not to downplay the threat to you, OP, but my favorite part about this is that he probably typed “middle finger” there hoping to replace it with the emoji, but didn’t and so it looks like he just screamed it at you, but followed up with the emoji anyway.

  16. I would completely ignore him. Don’t respond at all. He is angry so he wants to make other people angry. If you respond, then that gives him validation that you are listening.

  17. maybe he meant hell get you some pies? since he was so upset about his post about pies being removed

  18. That reminds me of about a year or two back when some Trumper dumbfuck spammed me a bunch of messages that culminated with, “it’s only a 3 hour drive to [university I graduated from]. ill go down there and beat ur ass, all I gotta do to find u is ask who the biggest pussy on campus is”. Blocked me after sending all of it too, so I never got to respond.

    I literally haven’t set foot on my university’s campus since the day I finished the last session of my last class, and that was several years before he messaged me. I was also in Japan and had been for some time already by that point. Wish I could’ve told the dumbfuck good luck finding me.

  19. Be prepared to hear the police say “Sounds like a civil matter. We can’t get involved.”

  20. Shit like this is why I’ve sanitized all my social media. I try to avoid posting anything with too much personal info, too many nutjobs out there. No photos, wrong names, etc.

  21. > Alright, I baited it a little.

    It’s probably just talk, but if you don’t want to be in those situations, you probably shouldn’t start them to begin with.

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