Where do I put the dishwasher tab in a small dishwasher? I can’t find the little compartment like an American washer …

I can’t find the place to put dishwasher tabs… Also… Does anyone have a recommendation on what type to buy for a small dishwasher?

  1. You drop them in the small basket in the bottom front of the dishwasher under the lower dish rack. I use the Joy gel packs. They don’t leave a residue the way the solid tabs do.

  2. Over by the side of the utensil basket there should be a little tab shaped thingy to hold one. If not put it in the bottom on the perforated metal plate the water is recirculating through.

  3. Half a tablet or less is all thats needed w small dw, especially if dishes are prerinsed.

    Just measure detergent on the dw door.

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