School Going Bankrupt/Bad working environment, looking to get on unemployment ASAP as protection

I work in an Int School in Tokyo thats likely going to be bankrupt by April.

Assistants are being let go, classes are being merge, etc.

I’ve worked here full time since February 2022 and I want to offer myself up as someone to fire but I need to ensure I can get unemployment immediately.

What are the steps, my likely outcome, things to prepare, should I go to Hello Work before getting my release? Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated

  1. You have to be unemployed to apply. How you become unemployed matters. The terms of termination must meet specific guidelines. If you are subject to the 90 day waiting period, you are not eligible unless you are on an unlimited visa. If you are on a work visa you are, technically, required to find a job within 90 days of being unemployed. Immigration will allow some people to stay longer but if you are collecting or trying to collect “welfare” they are going to tell you to leave and revoke your visa.

  2. What insurance are you on? Assuming your school isn’t sketchy as hell, you’re already on unemployment insurance.

  3. Check in with Hello Work. They have their main information booklet (and it is a solid booklet) in English.

    In terms of general info, it is better to be let go than to leave, vis getting access to your entitlements faster. It could very well depend on how long you have been working there etc etc, but my understanding is that if you leave voluntarily, you will have to wait close to 3 months to get entitlements, whereas if you are fired or not recontracted, you can apply immediately and potentially get entitlements in about 2 weeks.

    See if your Hello Work has an English support staff member, or if there is a roving support person who visits branches. Even in my relatively rural area they had contracted a person who would visit offices maybe once a week or two and you could book in and they would explain the process. They weren’t Hello Work staff per se, but could help explain things.

  4. Mind messaging me the school? I’m hoping to work in an international school and it’d be nice to know which ones not to waste my time applying to.

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