help understanding TE form

Hey! I am a beginner in learning Japanese and I’ve been having a hard time with TE form, like for example:

たべる 〜 たべて 

BUT る 〜 って

Please, I am such a beginner, and I have been having difficulty remembering and understanding these!

  1. not all verbs that end in る are conjugated the same way

    ichidan ones like たべる are たべて

    but godan ones like はいる are はいって

    there are a few rules

    like any る after an あ・う・お sound is 100% definitely godan and therefore って, like わかる

    and any る after an い・え sound is 90% likely to be ichidan

    however, はいる is an example of a る after an い-sound that’s an exception

    you just have to learn which are the exceptions as you go

  2. I haven’t fully understood your question, but I guess you are talking about how some る verbs end in て and some others end in って if I am not mistaken. That is because there are two main categories of verbs: ichidan (also called る verbs, sometimes) and godan (う verbs).

    Some ichidan verbs, like the one you already mentioned, are:

    * 食べる(たべ**る**)→食べて(たべ**て**)to eat
    * 起きる(おき**る**)→起きて(おき**て**)to wake up

    However, some godan verbs end in る despite not being part of the ichidan category.

    These verbs have a different て form as shown here:

    * 帰る(かえ**る**)→帰って(かえ**って**)to return home
    * 走る(はし**る**)→走って(はし**って**)to run

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