How do you keep yourself and your house cool in summer?

I know it’s early but I’m planning in advance. I’m trying to cut down on using our air con as they’ve seen better days and I really don’t want to buy new ones as we have 6 rooms so it would be expensive. I’ve already gone and bought some bamboo to put over the windows when it heats up and we have a dehumidifier that I move to whichever room we are in at the time but I was interested to know what you guys do?

I’ve been looking at one of the Dyson cool air fans so I can do the same as with the dehumidifier but is it actually any good?

  1. Early summer I usually keep windows open during the day. Once the humidity kicks in windows early and at night and close up during the afternoon with heavy curtains covering the windows. But at some point, it doesn’t matter and the air conditioner is used a lot. Over the weekends try to escape into the mountains, forests and malls.

    I just can’t find a good way to keep the humidity and temp down mid July through September. To me, dehumidifiers don’t keep it comfortable enough.

    Good luck, I have a feeling this summer will be bad.

  2. It gets too hot and humid here in our corner of Kyushu for anything other than A/C. There is no other alternative.

  3. I mean, Air Con. But, you could try those heat blocking / resistance curtains. Good fans. But, where I live, none of that will work. It’s too damn hot and humid to go without Air Con.

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