How to keep up to date on which vaccines to take in Japan?

Before coming to Japan, my healthcare provider would always let me know which vaccines I am eligible for or which vaccines I should take whenever I would visit to get a general examination.
Now that I have been here for a while in Japan, I have only taken the covid vaccine. I don’t know if I should be updating any old vaccines with newer versions or if I am missing any new ones.
How can I ensure that I am up to date with the currently recommended vaccines? Who or which group do I need to ask? What is the best way to explain my concern to the healthcare provider?
Is there a general form in Japan I fill out with my past vaccine history to make the process much easier?
Thank you

  1. How old are you? As an adult, you normally don’t have to take any vaccines any more. Everything like covid boosters or flu shots are optional. So unless you step on a rusty nail or something, you don’t have to take anything, only if you’re worried.

  2. Only taken one influenza vaccine and 3 covid vaccines in my 7 years in japan. Never had any of those happen to me and I don’t have any plans on taking another booster shot for covid. My last being last year of May.

    So don’t worry, as long as you got vaccinated at least once for influenza and you are healthy then its ok.

  3. For an adult it’s highly unlikely there are any requirements. Whatever you do is optional.

    You mentioned the currently recommended vaccines, but you need to decide whose recommendations you’re following. So decide that and then get on the internet and see what information you can find. Many people will look at what’s recommended by their country of origin’s government.

    How safety conscious are you? Do you want to do optional vaccines, even though you would have to pay for them? How much do you like to travel to random countries? Some vaccines are recommended for people traveling to certain places, and you can find that information online as well. What field do you work in? That typically affects the recommended vaccines.

    Do you have documentation of your vaccines to date? If you don’t, even if you go to the doctor, they will have difficulty telling you what you need to do next.

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