Japanese Communist Party has comes out in favor of the CDP proposal of making pornography showing intercourse illegal



This is really weird to me, in the US the progressive left views of people like Bernie Sanders, AOC, and those that follow them is very in favor of legalizing sex work, improving industry practices, proper sex education, giving abuse victims access to good counseling, contraceptive use, etc., while in Japan the left has gone in a very odd direction more similar to what you would expect coming from far right politicians or the sex negative feminists of the 1980s where anything related to sex is deemed as not dignifying and abusive by default regardless of whether proper protocols are being followed or whether there is mutual consent between adults.

The CDP and JCP have also recently started talking about how certain manga and anime show problematic themes and that talks about possible regulations are also needed there. They had the exact opposite opinion back in the 2007-2014 period when they helped the manga industry whether the onslaught of ultraconservatives like Sanae Takaichi and former Tokyo governors Shintaro Ishihara & Naoki Inose attempts at regulating it.

Most of what they are proposing is not even constitutional:

>Article 21. Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed.
No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.

What happened?


  1. I don’t really expect communists to have rational stances so I’m not super surprised.

  2. The Japanese Communist Party is as Communist as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is Democratic.

    But the real issue here is that your idea that the Left is the political polarity of social progressivism, and that sex-positive policies are socially progressive, are fairly recent views, and the JCP is a relic of an earlier era when leftist political ideology was not super concerned with that type of social progressivism.

  3. >certain manga and anime show problematic themes

    Well, some manga and adult anime do show child rape, child “consensual” sex, sexual assault as retaliation against feminists, beastiality.

    I don’t know if their intent is to ban any anime/manga showing intercourse or perhaps their focus will be on banning visual images of rape, assualt, pedophilia.

  4. Don’t even try to make sense of the topics and positions of culture wars. They’re arbitrary and capricious and getting yourself involved in them instead of focusing on actual politics is exactly what the people who make real political decisions that affect you want you to do.

  5. Thankfully, according to the article you posted, it seems as though some prominent members of the CDP aren’t in agreement with this policy change proposal. Komeyama and Shiomura of CDP are describing this to be the result of misleading reporting, so it’s possible that there was either a miscommunication, or that the policy is only being pushed by fringe members of the party.


    The [previous post’s article](https://www.msn.com/ja-jp/news/entertainment/%E7%AB%8B%E6%86%B2%E6%B0%91%E4%B8%BB%E5%85%9A-%E6%80%A7%E8%A1%8C%E7%82%BA%E4%BC%B4%E3%81%86%EF%BD%81%EF%BD%96%E8%87%AA%E4%BD%93%E7%A6%81%E6%AD%A2-%E6%89%93%E3%81%A1%E5%87%BA%E3%81%99-%E8%A1%86%E9%99%A2%E5%86%85%E9%96%A3%E5%A7%94-%E3%83%8D%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E9%A8%92%E7%84%B6-%EF%BD%81%EF%BD%96%E7%A6%81%E6%AD%A2-%E3%83%88%E3%83%AC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89/ar-AAXHg5L) seems to describe the original statement as coming from a single CDP representative who was elected to the Diet’s Lower House just [six months ago](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A0%A4%E3%81%8B%E3%81%AA%E3%82%81), so to give the party the benefit of the doubt, I’d like to assume that it’s just a fringe member who’s totally clueless.

    I would hope that the statement from the Communist Party representative is also being misinterpreted or not in alignment with the party’s stance as a whole, but I don’t think it’s clear either way at this point.

    Note that with the election coming up in just over a month from now, it is prime season for the LDP and media to manufacture or hyperbolize controversies such as this in order to dunk on the opposition parties. I can’t confirm or deny for this particular case, but it’s probably a good thing to keep on your radar going forward.

  6. American here.

    The moral grandstanding of theocracy, and the militant regime of communism, are the same. The far right-wing and far left-wing are identical. Law based on authoritarian doctrine. They are the opposite of freedom.

    In the USA, our Supreme Court has ruled numerous times over more than the last half century that viewing, possessing, producing, and distributing consensual adult pornography meets the criteria for legality under protections of the individual right to privacy, and more importantly, freedom of speech. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individual freedom of speech: “Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…”

    Japan enshrines the very same freedom. In the end we must allow freedom and liberty to prevail.

  7. I wouldn‘t call the JCP party a progressive party, they would literally be considered center-left in most European countries. Most JCP politicians are also very old people who have no idea about sex education and sex positive policies.

    I also don‘t support banning pornography, but I‘m failing to see how that goes against the constitution. Prostitution is banned too and I‘ve never heard a single constitutinal scholor mention that it‘s unconstitutional. Go and look at all the laws the LDP passed in the past 10 years and then you‘ll see laws that actually break the constitution.

  8. Japanese people please fight against this. Don’t let them take away mosaic from my life.

  9. I’m respectful of your right to hold your own views but I’m not really open to education on this. Enough of my ancestors were slaughtered in pursuit of these goals that I’ve not got much of an ear to lend.

  10. The recent history of pornography in Japan is very interesting and also extremely different to that of other western countries. Since the Meiji Era the morality of sexuality in Japan slowly became more westernized and prude.

    In this case however I personally think that the proponents were aware such a bill – even with no chance of passage at all – would lead to headlines in major media. There already was a bill in early May to strengthen rights of forced AV actors which enjoyed support in all parties so some lawmakers probably wanted their names in newspapers for a few days by proposing this outlandish bill.

  11. Anime does have some very questionable material in it when it comes to sexuality.

  12. It’s sad how the Left in Japan is stuck with second wave feminist anti-sex work beliefs. This is fucked. Still the JCP is the best party in Japan, but this is fucked up.

  13. Most actresses are against it, because it will gut the industry that is already struggling with piracy.

    The vibe from AV-related social media I’m getting is that those who proposed the law have no idea how the industry works.

    Production would move overseas or into the already illegal ‘amateur’ sites.

  14. When Tokyo Governor Ishihara attempted to regulate sexual expression in anime and manga more than a decade ago, the Japanese Communist Party and the Democratic Party of Japan opposed the regulations.

    But now there are politicians in the LDP who speak out against the regulations. And the DPJ and JCP are gradually leaning toward the pro-regulation camp. Times have changed.

    What will happen in the future?

    Ironically, the CDP and JCP are leaning toward regulation of sexual expression because of influence from the US, Korea, and Christian feminist organizations.

    Personally, while I would like to see more women becoming politicians and corporate executives, I am against the regulation of expression. It is getting more and more difficult to support because it is so twisted.

  15. Left and right doesn’t translate especially with an anomaly like the Japanese Communist party. You can’t guess any of their stances by comparing with other Communist parties, especially since 99% of Communists these days are ultra-capitalists like China or just outright elitist thieves like Russia.

    Here, let’s play that game. Right wing conservative party – pro or anti-gun control? If you mean Australia, they put forth strict gun control which took guns away and largely put a stop to school shootings.

    Stop assuming political stances from one country to another and you’ll be less confused.

  16. CDP is a messy party now days, the trashy restoration party is pretty much set to take main opposition this election which is sad and they are attacking CDP and the JCP over this AV ban.

    Even the Leader of the social democratic party is attacking AV on twitter, the Japan left is whacky.

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