New Years Resolutions for teachers here

What are your resolutions (in terms of your job) for this year?

  1. I recently acquired a Japanese teaching license and am going to be a homeroom teacher at a high school for the first time. I’m just hoping that all the kids make it through the school year without any major injuries 😅

  2. I want my 6 graders to have a great graduation and I want to make great lessons that encourage the level of fluency that I can reasonably accomplish given the amount of time I spend with my students. I’d like to also learn all of their names😅.

  3. My resolution is to stop teaching XD. I don’t mind the job but it’s not my passion and the industry is a dead-end if I ever want to buy a house and retire comfortably.

  4. I am going to be more firm with my 1st and 2nd graders being a first time non-ALT full on teacher, I have picked up some lax instructing habbits from when I was one. I won’t be mean, but I need to cut out the nonsense in some of my classes.

  5. Teaching Goal: Integrate tablets and tech into the classroom regularly

    Personal Goal: Change career

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