Is working remotely for a foreign company (not based in Japan) possible?

皆さん、こんにちは 👋

I’ve searched for threads from people in a situation similar to mine, but they were all from foreigners who didn’t posses Japanese citizenship and had to sort things out with their VISA’s.

I _do_ posses japanese citizenship + a recently renewed JP passport, and have been working as a regular employee for a Japanese company since 2020.

After receiving a promising remote job offer from a company based in the UK, I was wondering how taxes, social insurance and pension would be affected if I were to quit and accept the offer.

If I am going to enroll myself in the social insurance and pension system at my municipal office, is everything going to be ok as long as I pay my taxes by March 15 (+ prepayments in July and November) ?

Are there going to be any problems if my source of income comes from a foreign company not based in Japan?

Sorry if my questions appear short-sighted or obvious.

I’m not in Japan atm and my municipal office doesn’t answer my calls/emails + all my friends are either Japanese working for Japanese companies, or foreigners with VISA’s.

Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to shed some light on this!

  1. yes.
    its possible.
    most company choose to hire you as Freelancer so they dont neeed to care about taxes or the japanese Pension.

    If you Freelance than you pay for everythink yourself but there are enough Threads/ stuff about that

  2. r/JapanFinance is probably a better place to look into this. Where an how much tax you pay will depend on the tax treaty between UK and Japan (if one exists). You should maybe start by looking into that.

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