Is this standard banking behavior?

Hello folks,

I have an account at Mizuho. This week my wallet was stolen (or perhaps lost) but, either way I lost my cash card. I have been in the process of replacing it, but thankfully I have my passport, MyNumberCard, luckily my Zairyou Card, and my inkan. I went in hoping to be able to withdraw some amount of cash, but I was told that I could not withdraw any cash because I don’t have the cash card (as it was stolen.) They said I could have it replaced, and that it would come in the mail via 10 days, but in the meantime I can’t do anything.

This seems pretty extreme to me — in my home country, I would be able to withdraw some amount of money if I lost my debit card provided I brought in proper identification. So my question, is this kind of behavior standard to all banks in Japan? Or is this pretty shitty behavior even for the bureaucracy-procedure loving Japan.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Why don’t you just ask to close your account on the spot and take your business elsewhere?

    Because that’s exactly what I’d do, and it seems you have enough documentation to easily open another account at another bank.

    (That is unless you have any bills being withdrawn from the account in the near future etc)

  2. Usually, I thought, the passbook + inkan should be sufficient in the face of a non-existent cash card. If your account is passbook-less, then perhaps this is one side effect (?)

  3. It’s crazy to think a Japanese bank would have this convoluted of a procedure to get your money out without a bank card, but then again, it’s Mizuho. Sigh.

  4. It’s hard to say given I’ve never been in that particular situation. And sometimes you run into a staff member who is particularly difficult.

    Having said that, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised. Mizuho is one of the big domestics and they can be that way. I have or had accounts at most banks.

    PRESTIA is pretty good because they used to be Citibank Japan. The whole attitude is just different.

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