Japanese government set to legalize medical marijuana

Japanese government set to legalize medical marijuana


  1. They are not going to allow this since the Shichimi Spice cartel controls all the hemp seeds and can’t have people growing their own weed and make their own spices

  2. Probably just a desperate attempt by kishida to stay in power, just do the normal thing our useless leaders do and resign

  3. Before you get too excited:

    > The proposed revision would also criminalize the use of marijuana.

    > Marijuana has been dubbed a “gateway drug” as it is said to lead to other forms of drug abuse. The government intends to strengthen the crackdown on marijuana to prevent abuse of the drug among young people, which is becoming a social problem.

  4. In what fucking universe is “abuse” of marijuana among young people an actual social problem in Japan? I don’t smoke and have no interest in it but that’s a preposterous claim from the government.

  5. Recreational marijuana has been legal nationwide in Canada for years.
    The only effect on society: Police and the courts are no longer wasting time on it.

  6. on worldnews I saw this gem:

    > Japan and Korea are not quite the same. Japan has a bigger counterculture. Mostly because of that one decade of the sixties they were already on the road to recovery. So they had a the cultural shift that the rest of the first world had in the 60s. They definitely smoke more weed in Japan. I have also bought mushrooms in a head shop in Japan. Completely legal. Although there was a warning “for observation purposes not ingestion”. In English no less. This was 2000. The idea of Korea having a headshop in 2000 was ludicrous.

    Riots since 90s in Japan: 0

    Riots since 90s in Korea: too many to count

  7. I went to university here in 2000s.

    At that time, religions were legally allowed to let their followers use drugs. Yes for religious reasons. But they couldn’t let you out on the street high – it meant the mass lasted for several hours until it wore off.

    I went to a church in Kobe that gave us Ayahuasca. It was a Brazilian church . I heard that the original church in Brazil let their followers smoke weed first before Ayahuasca and then after.

    At that time, weed was not given to us, just Ayahuasca. Maybe weed was no no? Afaik , at that time, this church has branches in some cities around the world. They were able to import Ayahuasca from Brazil for their followers. I went to Italy and found a branch in Assisi. I found their mailing list and subscribed. Tried to join but couldn’t.

    This church has been silent now for two decades. Tried to search them but nothing. I hope Japan relaxes it’s rules on religious drugs too.

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