Staying in Company-rented property after resign

So I currently live in a UR apartment, rented by my company. I’m thinking to resign in the near future but plan to stay for 1-2 months upon the resignation to travel, prepare my exit procedures etc. I want to ask if anyone has same experience, and whether it’s possible to negotiate with UR or the company on keeping the apartment for those extra months (on my money), also if there’s any good alternative option of places to stay before leaving Japan.

I’d ask my company but I don’t want to give them signs of my resign plan since I’m not 100% sure about it.

  1. Did you originally find the place? Or is it somewhere your company was also renting for a previous employee? If it’s the company’s place they will probably ask you to move. If it’s a place rented just for you, UR will probably be happy to transfer the contract.

  2. My BF had a similar situation. His options were: 1) move out, 2) pay all the upfront fees out of pocket to start a new contract

    Since it’s UR, it probably won’t be so expensive.

  3. I was in this situation. I asked my company if I could stay after quitting and they were really accommodating. They agreed I could stay an extra month, and wouldn’t alert the landlord/estate agent that I had quit. So when I was ready to move out I just contacted the estate agent as usual. I don’t know if many other companies would be so flexible though

  4. Most likely you would have to make a new contract between you and UR.

    If you have paid leave left, I recommend you use them to travel and then quit, it’s much easier and you would otherwise lose those days.

    Another option is to leave your stuff in some storage or friend’s house.

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