General Discussion Thread – 19 July 2022

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Shout out to that one user who said that Habanero FamiChikis were a thing. Grabbed a couple and they were delicious! Probably would never come back again though

  2. I guess this year’s summer has been a bit unusual, but I’ve noticed a lack of cicadas humming this year. Is it just the place I’m living, or is this a nationwide thing?

  3. I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask a question, but figured I’ll give it a shot.

    So I’m a newbie to using the Shinkansen and I made a mistake, and wondering how to do it the “right” way in the future.

    I got a ticket at Shin-Osaka to Nagoya. Used the ticket at the Shinkansen gates, didn’t tap my IC card. No problem. Got to Nagoya, exited the Shinkansen gates, then transferred to a local train, all without tapping my IC card because I didn’t have to exit the station at Nagoya. Then when I arrived at my final destination, ofc there was an issue, since I never tapped my IC card to get on…The only thing I can think of to solve this would be to exit the station entirely at Nagoya and then re-enter again using my IC card. Is that what you’re supposed to do? Surely there’s an easier way?

  4. Saw a fellow gaijin guy at donki this weekend wearing a tanktop and hanging out in the deodorant section. Suddenly gets a tester and uses his hands to rub it on his pits. Looks at me while i was avoiding eye contact and acts like he was just feeling cold in a tanktop. Then he leaves. So gross will never sniff a tester again.

  5. I’m looking for Android apps that offer tutorials and explain the rules of shogi, hanafuda and igo. Any suggestions? Japanese or English is fine.

  6. oh my god, the cicadas around my area are legitimately deafening. I had to close my window because my ears were ringing. I knew they got loud, but not like “literally drowning out the sounds of heavy machinery in the industrial park next door” loud. My ears are still ringing.

  7. An hour into nursery school our daughter came down with a fever. Coincidentally a child in a neighboring class (which the children played together with last week) got Covid last Friday. Here we go I guess.

  8. For those who don’t work with the general public (my dream btw) how is it? I’m assuming there are other frustrating things to deal with.

  9. Can anyone recommend some good online courses about Japanese politics and history? I wanted to refresh my memory/knowledge in some topics.

  10. During our online morning meeting, one guy was WHF and shirtless lol.

    I found it hilarious, however I wonder whether it is less weird or more weird in Japan.

  11. Ok so hypothetically, you have a three day head start, but you aren’t allowed to leave the country. How long do you think you could last in Japan on the run from the police, assuming you’ve been framed for murder? I’ve had this dream three times now.

  12. I’ve discovered the solution to life:

    You open your natto box, pull out a corner of the plastic sheet a few centimetres, close the box, and then tug out the plastic sheet with the box closed so none of the beans come with it.

  13. Had a fever most of last week into the weekend. Fever broke on Sunday, but still don’t feel back at 100% yet. I’m sure my shitty situation at work recently isn’t helping that, but being sick definitely made communication issues and my ability to concentrate worse.

    Finally decided to stop being embarrassed and scheduled an appointment to get my butt looked at. I’m assuming surgery will follow, but being in pain when sitting (and differently in pain when standing for long periods due to previous injuries) just sucks. I really want to get it sorted before I get on a transoceanic flight if the world ever gets somewhat back to normal.

  14. ~~The kanjis for perfect is 完璧, literally means “completed wall”. Seems fitting considering the country’s culture is shaped by the history of isolation.~~

    Edit: I was stupid, thanks u/innocenat!

  15. My train is currently stopped because of the rain. I hope it starts moving again by 5-ish because I do not want to be stranded away from home at the start of the week at 5 months pregnant.

  16. What would you do in this scenario:
    You hop out to the nearby conbini during lunch and decide to take a chance with no umbrella since it’s not looking like it’ll immediately rain and it’s only a 3 minute walk away. But as soon as you’ve finished checking out, the sky opens up and it’s raining cats and dogs.

    Do you:

    1. Try to rush back to work as fast as you can, knowing you’ll still get drenched and be that way for the rest of the day.

    2. Buy an umbrella from the conbini even though you have one in the umbrella stand at work.

    3. Wait for it to hopefully stop raining.

    I foolishly went with 1. 2 didn’t even occur to me until I was back at work trying to dry my hair with my hand towel in the bathroom. Thankfully I’m wearing a dark colored top today so it doesn’t immediately look like I’m soaked except for my hair. I guess on the bright side, the very weak office AC now feels a lot cooler (but almost too cold).

  17. Just came back from the supermarket and they were out of lettuce. I had heard in Australia there was a lettuce shortage due to the floods destroying the crops. Is the same thing happening here due to the recent heavy rain? Is there a shortage because they’re sending lettuce to Australia? All of the above? Or maybe it’s just my supermarket running out at that specific time.

  18. I don’t remember lawsons having a self service hot food area. Is this new? You know, open the window, tray slides out and you take the thing you want.

  19. What websites or books should I look to learning how to control impulse buying?

    I’m so bad at it. I find myself buying *something* every other day. Whether it be junk food at the konbini or a useless something online. A lot of it are things that are “cool” to have or instant gratification, but definitely things that I don’t really *need*. Last Sunday, I bought a cool-looking interior decoration. At the time, I justified it by saying my place is so boring, I need some things to make it better. But now that I got the “it’s shipped!” email, I’m experiencing a huge buyer’s remorse.

    This is why I don’t have a lot of money.

  20. I’m a freelancer frontend developer (Angular/TypeScript), working in Tokyo, who initially thought all of Japan would be similar to Kansai, the only region I have ever been to over a period of about 20 years, before moving here late 2019. Never have I ever been more wrong in my life XD

    I’m still in some kind of culture shock, and looking for friends in Kansai/around Osaka, developer or not, foreigner or not. Would also be interested in networking, for my next project/job, since I definitely want to move to Kansai, rather sooner than later. Let’s chat!

  21. I’m looking for a new SIM card. I’ve been using the Mobal card but it’s been giving me trouble. I’ve only been in Japan for about 4 months. The online applications are all in Japanese and seem quite convoluted. Does anyone have any simpler recommendations? Thanks.

  22. This is gonna sound stupid but, where do you go to buy a sim free phone ? Just bic camera or something ? Website does not have a lot of options.

  23. can i do the moving-in procedure a couple days early? i have the moving out form from my current ku and would like to do the move in at my next ku tomorrow. my housing contract started on the 17th but because of scheduling issues i’m not moving into the apartment until the 22nd. i have some extra time in my schedule tomorrow (far less free time on friday when i move) so just wanted to check if it’s an issue.

  24. Someone at my job is leaving back to their country and the spot at the location close to my house is open and they have offered it to me. But I have already made great rapport with my kids and my team is really nice. Also my location has had a lot of issues with employees, and even though this switch would mean a lot better work-life balance I feel awfully selfish for considering taking up the offer (especially for the kids) what would you guys do? (I would save more than two hours commute a day)

  25. Has anyone here done the shaken by themselves? Can you pay the different fees such as the jibaiseki and other stuff with credit card, or do they take only cash? It’s in Kanagawa

  26. Aight Osaka people who know Osaka summer, I’ll be standing out in the sun for 9 hours at a big rock music festival there this weekend, should I go light colored sleeveless loose cotton dress or black U Airism tshirt and shorts?

    I’m from Nagoya but I avoid going out in summer at all so I don’t know which option is cooler.

  27. So been here two weeks, first time anyone approached me for something in the shibuya starbucks- someone with google translate asking for money for food. Back in the UK I never carried cash so it was always a no, but I had cash so I gave them a bit. Just wondered if this is common? Even in the UK, I was never approached in a shop, so it’s good to have my expectations set!

  28. Am I crazy, or did my foreign credit card not work for disney land…UNTIL I tried to run it through the Japanese site, then it did???

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