Need help with online renewal visa

So I usually try and figure stuff like this out on my own but I’m at my wits end and the stress of this situation is killing me.

I finally got my my number card after scrambling to get it for like 2 months so I can renew my visa online (on top of all the necessary documents).

Of course the system is extremely hard to use but I finally get to the last screen where you just have to upload your photo and documents.

I upload both of these and hit something like “check my photo” which was fine, but I accidentally hit the back button on my browser. Apparently hitting the back button breaks the whole system so I get kicked out.

I log back in and there’s no record of my previous application, but when I go to start the application again it starts telling me that a previous application is currently being processed.

As far as I know my original application didn’t go through (even though I was one button away), and I have no confirmation number (受付番号) but the system won’t let me apply again.

Has anyone had a similar experience as me? Should I just give up and go in person?

(Having to justify two more pto days to my all Japanese work place is something I’d like to avoid if possible)

1 comment
  1. If your application was submitted, you would receive an email that day or the next about the submission. Check your email.

    You can look up your previous application. I don’t know the exact wording, but just as you log in it’s the second big button. Keep the fields blank, and just hit search/apply and you should find it. edit: you can also delete unsubmited applications and start over, if you’d like. I did to change something.

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