Need help to get back on track!

Hi friends! I started studying Japanese two years ago, gave N5 in December 2021 and got 180/180, and N4 in July 2022 and got 140/180. I felt like I hadn’t studied enough for N4, as I was studying while managing a full time job. After the July 2022 exam I decided to not study further for a while and just keep revising what I’ve already learned, since I had to learn programming, work full time and work on my college applications. But I was not able to give enough time to revise and now I feel like I’m forgetting things.
Does anyone have any suggestions? How do I get back on track and how do I start revising and testing myself on Japanese?

1 comment
  1. Depends on the situation you are in. 1000s of Anki cards? Review them or reset the deck if you wish. Review grammar or just start reading materials you were reading last time around. Whatever was retained is retained, and what you could not remember will be easier to relearn. You just got to pick up and go again.

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