When should I start learning grammar?

Just started self-teaching Japanese a little more than a month ago. So far, I’ve got a good handle on hiragana and katakana, and I’ve been working my way through WaniKani. I just reached level 4, so still very much early days. It’s been so much fun so far; even being able to pick out random kanji on restaurant signs or in other contexts is delightful even as it’s also a galaxy away from actual comprehension.

I was wondering when and how others would integrate grammar into this process. I’ve downloaded Bunpro but haven’t yet tried it — in theory I like that it seems to utilize a similar SRS review system to WaniKani’s, and also integrates into the latter’s API (not sure how useful that’ll be in practice but it’s nice to imagine that they’re complementary).

Other thoughts/recommendations on timing or approaches to beginner grammar at this point? Should I get deeper into kanji and vocab before starting down that path?

  1. just start getting into grammar and that alone will open the doors for you to explore appropriate vocab and start to build on previous knowledge to actually learn the language

  2. a month ago

    don’t hyperfixate on any one area of the language, don’t skip any areas, you have to move everything forward reasonably in line

    grammar, vocab, as well as reading/writing/listening/speaking practice

    you can only internalize via contextual usage – rote memorization will leak right back out of your brain, and it won’t be accessible when you need it

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