places to see related to yokai/ayakashi and japanese folklore?

i love japanese monsters and mythology but I can’t find any museum or exhibition fully centered on them to discover and explore the different types of stories and monsters from japanese folklore. Anyone knows a good place? (I’m going to Kyoto and Tokyo, perhaps on a day trip to Osaka too)

  1. I haven’t been yet but the Yokai Street in Kyoto is on my list! There are fun statues of various yokai outside of shops.

  2. There is a street up a mountain on Shikoku that has lots of monster statues and little info boards about them 😀 pretty cool place.

    Close to iya valley. But way too far for a daytrip from Osaka and you need a car.

  3. If you like Godzilla go to the TOHO studios building.
    There is a huge Godzilla head and hand on the building.

  4. I’m not aware of a single Yokai Museum but there are some spots to see them. You’ve kinda gotta keep your eyes out for them though. I’ve spotted Kappa in Kawagoe but in central Tokyo you can spot them in. Kappabashi. Go any Inari shrine to see Kitsune (foxes). You’ll spot Tanuki statues outside many Izakaya. Amabie can now be spotted all over as it became a popular symbol during Covid and you’ll likely spot Amabie merchandise.

    – [Yokai Guide to Tokyo](
    – [Where to Spot Kappa](
    – [10 Monsters You Meet in Tokyo](
    – [Kyoto Yokai Street](
    – [Tofugu: Yokai](
    – [Has Amabie warded off Covid-19?](

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