Considering Cancelling trip, or need major rehaul for trip next week. 10days Tokyo/Osaka

Context: My Fiance(25F?) and I (25M) were planning a trip for 06FEB23-16FEB23. Due to my job, I had to ask for permission and forms were submitted DEC and approved recently. Unfortunately, my fiance’s job won’t allow her to take the two weeks off work so I’m unsure if I want to continue with the japan trip or cancel. So far, the only sunk cost is the $1300 plane tickets (\~$640 each).

Main reasons for cancelling:

1. I can speak no Japanese. I only know barely any words from anime.
2. I have relatively no interest in Temples/Shrines/Views. My Fiance can spend 2-3hrs. I walk through in ten minutes if that.
3. I’d be traveling solo in a new country I’ve never been to before.
4. >!I can still spend the two weeks to surprise her with company. We’ve been long distance for almost a year!<

Main reasons for continuing:

1. Vacation in Japan sounds unique
2. Friend is showing up on the 13th in Japan.
3. Teamlab Planets/ DisneySea/ Nintendo land sound fun
4. $650 is an expensive plane ticket to cancel
5. Can’t cancel the time off work.
6. Literally over a month of paperwork for me to enter Japan, just work side, not including CoVid paperwork or actually entering.

I’m currently still leaning towards going to Japan, and I know asking here is a bit of a biased reception. But that is the goal I think.

(I also noticed everyone else has a trip itinerary or finished trip report, but I just have general points?)
Plan for data is T-Mobile simple choice? Supposedly unlimited 3G data all over Japan? If it isn’t good enough, I’ll pick up a pocket wifi day1.
I plan to pack 1 small suitcase<15kg and 1 drawstring bag for day/day+ trips.
My interests is…. Muji store. TeamlabPlanets. ShibuyaSky sunset? some anime stuff? sweets cafe. AYCE food/AYCD. Hotsprings? Tsukiji Fish market? Nara Deer? Nintendoland. Shinkasen? Disneysea? Tori gate. Temples? NAF Atsugi maybe? Family Mart Chicken? (thx trash taste)
(This is literally everything I could think of in Japan)

Old Itinerary with Fiance. Could swap Osaka/Tokyo order too since friend is visiting tokyo on the 13/14th.

0. Day0: Land at NRT 1430, 03FEB2023
Check into hotel.
Get Combini food/AYCE dinner?

1. Day1: Teamlab Planets
Shibuya Sky
2. Day2: Disneysea,
Hot spring after
3. Day3: Tsukiji fish market
Visit Shrine/temples?
4. Day 4: Activate JR pass.
Takkyubin luggage to Osaka.(2days)
Travel around Mt Fuji.
(If view is nice for Fiance, stay in area capsule hotel/cheap. hike/walk more)
(If view is boring, or good enough via shinkasen, skip to Osaka)
5. Day 5: Shrines/temples in Osaka
6. Day 6: Some sort of castle/AYCE/AYCD
maybe karaoke or experience funny love hotel?
7. Day 7: Osaka Aquarium? (10FEB23)
Theme cafe?
8. Day 8: Nintendo Land
9. Day 9: Nara Deer?
10. Day 10: Bring Luggage to NRT.
Plane departs 1600.

Could swap days 1-3 with 7-9 to be in Tokyo with friend instead of Fiance if I do proceed with trip?
Kind of worried since solo international trip is in \~a week, and nothing is set or certain or planned. But I am also very low requirements, especially solo. (combini/capsule hotels > daily fast food/sleeping bag)

  1. If u are interested in anime stuff why not go to the yokohama gundam factory? It has the world’s largest moving robot and it is closing down soon after march.

  2. @ the person who suggested the life sized Gundam.
    Honestly. Not the biggest fan. I know of like. Master grade and perfect grade from coworkers. But if it’s closing in March, I might go check it out? Tokyo part of the trip is already the heaviest. But I guess that’s to be expected for the capital

  3. 1. You don’t need to speak any Japanese to enjoy your time. Just know how to say これ kore (this), せみません semimasen (sorry, excuse me) and おかいけいをねがいします okaikeonegaishimasu (can I have the check please). Use these phrases in restaurants along with google translate on your phone and you’ll be good. I also barely speak Japanese and only know Hiragana. It’s okay.
    2. Don’t go to temples if you have no interest in them. That’s not only a waste of your time, but also your money since you’ll have to pay entrance fee’s for most of the popular ones, especially in Kyoto.
    3. Traveling solo in a new country can be very scary, but also an amazing experience. You have atleast a week to do some more research before you go, so I suggest doing that on Japans customs and norms. (Their culture and societal rules and values) Japan is the perfect place for solo travelers so as long as you don’t disrespect the country nor it’s people you will be fine.
    4. Personally, I would go to Japan instead of visiting your fiancé. She will still be there and you will still get married. Your trip will pass and your money along with it. Prices to Japan are getting ridiculous, it will be while before you can go for this cheap again.
    5. This is my personal opinion as I am also going to Japan for the first time in May with a friend. Going to Japan is something I’ve wanted to do for over 10 years. I’ve made my OWN itinerary based on what I want to do because I know I don’t have the exact same interests as my friend, and because I paid $1521 on a plane ticket and over $2000 in hotels, then I’m going to do everything that I want to do. My friend is interested in museums and art and could spend hours in them. I have no interest at all am not going to waste my time doing something I know I will not enjoy. My friend understands this and we have agreed that if we have things we want to do but the other doesn’t, then we’ll go alone.
    As far as fiancé not getting the time off of work, I hate to be rude, but that is not your problem. Now it depends on how far in advance you planned your trip, but I gave my work 6 months notice because I wasn’t going to to take no for an answer. My friend on the other hand still hasn’t told their work and our trip is in 4 months now. And if they don’t get it off, I am still going and they won’t get a refund on their plane ticket or any of the airbnb costs that we split because they are all unrefundable.
    My last piece of advice is to think of yourself first. If going on the trip will be a better choice for you then go, if visiting your fiancé for two weeks is what you would rather do then do that. But if you go to Japan, then your itinerary needs major rework as you said because you have a lot of wasted time and money in there that could be better spent on things you actually enjoy.

  4. Japan is an interesting place for Americans. You will find touches of Americana everywhere. This makes a unique experience where you feel as if there is a familiarity with the place but oddly different. I would describe Tokyo like NYC but in another dimension!!! If you like night life you will enjoy Tokyo and Osaka. The other cool thing about Japan is the terrain surrounding the cities. It’s very mountainous and offers a great outdoor experience. You can go from megacity to untouched landscapes in a couple of hours.
    I recommend you go…you will not regret it

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