Mansion internet, what are my upgrade options ?

I’ve been living in my current place for almost 10 years now. When I moved in there was an internet service running for everyone, but I chose to get my own contract with OCN, because I wanted more control on my connection (port forwarding and all).
As far as I can say, I have a very stable 100Mbps connection, almost always maxed whatever the time or the day.
However, I feel the itch for something faster. I asked Flets about what could be done, but they basically told me that my mansion was already covered and it will stay as-is. I tried to ask Nuro and AU, but it seems I need some approval from the mansion to get the line set up, and they seem against it (will mess up the current one or so they say). Plus the line itself may not be even possible (I heard about people who were told « not possible » after waiting months for the technician visit).
So, without talking about moving out into a house, is there anything else I can try to get one of those shine gigabit connections ?

  1. In my previous place, NTT told me the owner were pretty angry last time they offered upgrade. So I kind of forgot it then later asked Nuro and I took permission from real estate explaining what it can be done and no holes needed. Showed them the page. They were ok.

    Basically, Nuro would install device in the mdf box and then pull line to your room and then here they stick the external outlet ロゼット without a hole.

    Another way is to pull line directly from a pole to your room. And then throw aircon duct. No holes. So mansion should be ok to give you permission.

    But all that depends on your place. How big, how far from a pole. Is there space in building mdf. In my current place it wasn’t possible because far from pole and no space left inside the mdf and I didn’t ask permission to install another mdf thought it is too much to be adding some box to their building.

    You can also try 5g router service. But these often have fine prints about overuse and throttling.

  2. Since your place is fairly old, your building might not be hooked up to the existing fiber grid. The only solution there, would be for NTT to go dig out a fiber cable to your building, which they aren’t going to do.

    You can try to convince the Nuro / KDDI people to dig out a line for you. They usually have to always dig a line everywhere anyway because they don’t run on the NTT flets backbone. This involves actual digging and punching holes through walls, so I hope your apartment owner approves of it.

    You can always Starlink and pay Elon-chan for your Internet too if you don’t mind the high-latency high-bandwidth satellite network.

  3. If you’re already covered by flets, why are you limited to 100Mbps? You should probably figure that out first.

    – If your current connection is stable it’s probably not because of congestion on the building’s line.
    – If you’re using a router, check that it supports gigabit
    – Check that your devices support gigabit

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