The Tile World Chronicles – a JRPG inspired Graded Reader (N4+) : new chapter released

Hi everyone,

As the title say I am creating a JRPG inspired graded reader illustrated with pixel art and I have just released a new chapter [here](

You can find the links to the 4 chapters [here]( I hope you enjoy them !

A bit more about this project :

What’s the Tile World Chronicles ?

– The Tile World Chronicles are a set of stories in N4+ Japanese that intermediate learners can use as comprehensible input. Despite being written in simple language I intend to make the stories genuinely entertaining. Ideally even people who are fluent in Japanese would enjoy reading them.

Why do I do that ?

– because I wish this kind of resource existed when I started learning Japanese

What’s my inspiration ?

– I am a Final Fantasy fan, especially the old ones : FF6 & FF7.

In what type of world to the stories take place ?

– the stories take place in a typical fantasy world quite close to FF6. The one thing that makes it unique is that this world features a technology that allows people to communicate remotely and form some sort of social networks.

What’s my timeline ?

– I’ve been working on it on and off for 2/3 years or so and I expect the project to be achievable within a decade.

Am I a native speaker ?

– I’m not. My Japanese is not even great. However I pay a freelancer to proofread my work and make the Japanese sound natural (she does wonders!). I actually believe being a learner helps as I know which words tend to be learnt first.

  1. I’m taking a look for sure! Might be quirky and fun enough to force me to actually put my reading to the test.

  2. Love the retro, SNES-like aesthetics of it! Also the pixel art is fantastic. Was the script written by a native Japanese speaker? Or did it go through a revision using an AI translator such as I’d love to use this resource since it looks like a lot of time and effort went into it and looks like a high-valuable resource. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Looks nice, good job! I remember you posting one of your previous chapters here, but at the time I’d slightly fallen out of studying Japanese.

    Now that I have gradually been getting back to it over the last couple of months, I am preparing for my first dive into proper immersion. For reading, I’m going to start with Yotsubato!, whose all 15 tomes I imported and received yesterday. Your stuff might just be next on the agenda however. Thanks!

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