Is there a good Japanese to Japanese Furigana dictionary?

I’m at a point where I’d like to try looking up Japanese words in Japanese. Honestly it’s probably a little too early for that but I’m trying to get away from just memorizing translations into English. I’d rather put in the extra work to stay in Japanese.

I have been looking for anything like this and the versions for Japanese learners are always Japanese – English while the dictionaries for Japanese speakers don’t include furigana which makes it impossible to use if you have limited kanji knowledge.

Does anyone know of a Japanese to Japanese dictionary app or site that includes furigana for all kanji?

  1. I was under the impression that yomichan would work great for this, but someone needs to confirm my understanding on what it can and can’t do.

  2. You didn’t say what device you want an app for, but if it’s an iPhone, there’s the “Dictionaries” app by Monokakido, which lets you buy various dictionaries as IAP. One of them, the Meikyo (明鏡国語辞典), supports furigana for the entire definition (has to be enabled via the menu).

  3. Adding onto a reply in this thread there’s a setting to click in Yomichan that allows popups inside of pop-ups. So if you choose a monolingual dictionary if you don’t know a word in the definition it will create a new popup with Shift.

    TheMoeyWay has a big list to choose from.

  4. is a dictionary that a lot of us use, and it has furigana

    yomichan is a popup dictionary that you can use and it has furigana

  5. So far it sounds like Yomichan is a good tool with which to access dictionaries, but I still need a Japanese-Japanese dictionary with fuigana to use with it.

    From the Yomichan setup page I’ve found a Google drive with monolingual dictionaries; there’s no information on any of them so I tried a couple out. The ones I’ve tried give furigana on the actual kanji I’m looking up, but not on any of the definitions, which is important.

    Anyone using a kokugo dictionary that does include the furigana in definitions?

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