What are interesting games to learn Japanese for beginners?

I started a Japanese club at school and I am going to teach my 後輩 basic Japanese. I want to make the sessions fun. Does anyone have any ideas for fun ways to teach the basics?

  1. Game like….video game? Or game like, you guys improvise something? I think video games are kind of hard for a beginner.

    I like “Let’s describe a photo”. Basically you find some picture off the internet. Say, it’s a mountain with some flowers.

    They describe the picture as best they can, in Japanese. Even if they only know 山です at least it’s something. But then they can say things like 山の上の雲ですね and such, as they learn more.

    What I like about “describe a photo” is, it scales all the way from basic Japanese to more advanced.

  2. don’t know sorry but i’m not the only one who dies of cringe at mixing the random japanese word into an english post right?

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