Chill or panic? (Tokyo Gas question)

So I’ve been living in this apartment (マンション) for a couple of years now but I don’t use the balcony for much, gazing at the townscape every now and then with a cup of coffee in hand. I never paid attention to this box on the balcony wall, although I figured it has something to do with the gas supply. (Seems I’m not allowed to post a picture so let me just describe what the box looks like. It’s a vertically oriented metal box with the Tokyo gas logo on it and a circular vent right at the top. I guess if you’ve got it you’ll know exactly what I mean.) Today was one of those coffee and gazing days… and suddenly I heard what sounded like something starting up inside the box and assumed it was the wife turning on the hot water or something. So far so good. Then came a bit of a smell. Not a strong smell but definitely a kind of gassy smell. Lingered for maybe half a minute or so and stopped. A couple of minutes later, it happened again: the gurgle inside the box and then the smell. I went in and the wife was using hot water. So here’s my question: Does anyone know what I was smelling and, more importantly, if I *shouldn’t* be smelling it? Logic tells me there’s a vent on the box and so it’s not a leak… but better safe than sorry. Anyone knows about these box thingies? Should I be worried about anything? Thank you indeed for any guidance.

  1. That’s most likely your hot water heater. They can give off a bit of a smell when they first fire up.

  2. What everyone above said sounds right. If still concerned contact the gas company, they will have someone come and check it out

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