come back to japan with less than 6 month’s validity on passport?

My passport will expires on early september and i already renewal my passport in my embassy on jan and will get the new passport on April or may.
Last week,i got diagnosed with depression and currently take leave for about 2month.
My plan is to come back to my country in end of feb and will come back to japan on mid march. But the problem is on mid march my passport is already less than 6month’s afraid if i cannot come back to japan.
Fyi, i have zairyuu card and currently working in japan.

Thank you for your help.

  1. Get better! The problem won’t be Japan but the airline. If you can make it here, they’ll let you in. The airline may refuse to take you because of their own guidelines or terrorism laws etc. If you can find a way to get the new passport while you’re home, you’d solve this problem. Otherwise you need to contact the airline. The problem there is that any feedback you get over the phone or even written can be overruled by the manager at the airport counter. That’s why I would recommend getting the passport while you’re in your country.

  2. Japan doesn’t have the 6 months validity requirement so you should be okay getting back. You can try calling immigration just to make sure. Also give the airline a head up. But since you have residence card here I don’t think the airline can stop you.

    And if you already renew your passport you can bring that proof. (Does it really take that long to renew your country’s passport? 3-4 months leadtime? I got mine like in a week)

  3. Assuming you are not visiting a third country on your way back, you will be fine as long as your status of residence (visa) in Japan has not ended. Japan’s residence system is basically independent of the residents’ home-country passports.

    Be ready to show the airline in your home country that you are a returning resident, though, so that they don’t think you’re a tourist who might have to have a longer passport validity. The return half of the re-entry card that you will have filled out when leaving Japan helps, as would your valid residence card with visa end-date on it.

  4. I’m an exchange student who came with less than 6 months validity on my passport. I had about 5 and 1/2 months and I didn’t realise my passport was so close to running out until I had already submitted all my documents for my COE and my visa was being processed.

    I passed through Dubai and met their requirements for 3 months validity if you’re transiting through. You will have to double check if you meet validity requirements if you’re transiting through any countries. I referenced my countries home office page on Dubais requirements from British nationals and I also used the airlines passport checker. I printed out relevant pages and brought them with me to the airport.

    Then, when I arrived I renewed my passport right away and it came a month later so I have a full passport for my return to the UK. I’ve my old one and I have my residence card incase anyone wants to see it 😛

  5. I think this would only apply to tourists? Residents with zairyu cards should be allowed back with less than 6 months. Definitely check with the airline you’re going with though.

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