“Leave Japan visa” to student visa

Hi all – I’ll try to keep it short.

I was on a WHV since Jan 2020, extended due to covid. Last November I tried to switch to a work visa, but my company pulled sponsorship while my application was in progress because I had to suddenly fly home to spend time with a sick family member. Because of this my visa was rejected.

I have no intention of reapplying with that company as this was the last straw. Also other irrelevant reasons but basically, a work visa is a no go for now.

I now have a 31 day designated activities visa (activities relating to leaving Japan). I asked immigration if I could reapply and they said yes, even for a student visa.

I’m wondering, has anyone had any experience with this? What’s the likelihood of my student visa being accepted?

Also, does anyone know any schools or have any connections with owners of schools who could help sponsor me asap? I’ve had quite a few rejections due to schools being full/fearful of my visa situation.

Thank you!

  1. Just apply with an ALT company and do not talk about your past visa. Apply and see what happens.

  2. Did you go abroad with “Designated Activities (6 months; having difficulty in returning home and being permitted to work for 28 hours per week” visa?

    How did you come back Japan with this Designated activities visa? The main purpose of visa having difficulty go back to hometown.

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