Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (January 29, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. What is the difference between。。。可能性がある and 。。。かねない when it comes possibility? Which of them is stringer and carries are high likely of x occurring



  2. A character in “Monster” receives a 2-line email from an unknown sender:



    Is 埋め尽くす an odd choice of verb? Looking at examples of usage, these seem to have the thing marked with を as space that is filled or covered over.

    The character is flattered by the words in the e-mail, but would they objectively be read as being a bit alarming? 埋 makes me think of a grave, and that dick emperor who buried his party guests in rose petals.

  3. Do you guys know of any resources of old JLPT tests? It’s okay if it’s paid, I’m thinking about taking either the N2 or N1 this year, so I want test myself to see which one to go for and also to get a feel for to the question formats they use.

  4. Since it is still Saturday I will do a bit of a personal update to those who were concerned about my methods of studying. I hit 8500 known words with a pace of roughly 150 words per day for last 4 weeks. Just under 1200 this week actually. I’ve been averaging over 800 review cards a day now. Still, not that bad. Retention is 67% on new words, 87% on learned words. I will probably hit 10k words in 8 days time, but I might actually just deep dive because of personal reasons and hit 10k early. I need a win right now.

    The review pile is tougher than last week, but I am still failing about 200 cards a day and need to re-learn them before I even get to my new words. I am reaching my limit on sustainability, but I’ve more than doubled my total words in a month. One more day…. One more day… So long as the reviews hold up and I can enjoy my hour or two of reading, I will continue this. If all I get is SRS then I will just do reviews only until its manageable.

  5. Hello, im looking to open up my own restaurant and im having difficulty on finding the correct or best suitable spelling for the logo (which would be the name itself but in kanji), the name would be umai (旨い as in delicious or tasty) and im finding that the kanji for this would be 旨 is this correct or is there a better way to write it?

  6. Is there an easy way to figure out which pronunciations of a word can be used on their own without being in a compound word?

    For example, I can see 肺、灰、胚、杯、敗 can all be pronounced はい but I believe 敗 can only be used in compounds, right? Is there a way to confirm? And on the other hand, the other characters can be used on their own

    My goal is to appropriately assess the number of homophones for a given pronunciation, so I wouldn’t want to include words that can only only have that pronunciation in a compound, because obviously はい is not homophonous with しっぱい (失敗) or はいぼく (敗北)

  7. Are there any manga anthologies in Japanese worth subscribing to in their original anthology form? I’m interested in the *variety* of the format, getting several different stories from different plots in one magazine, but the fact that picking up an anthology issue will likely result in starting halfway through a plot is a bit of a turn off. So are there ones that either focus on shorter stories or tend to have one-offs? Something I can get digitally of course

  8. おだけいにこの動画が響いてるのは嬉しいな。


    I saw this youtube comment and not sure what おだけい means?

  9. How informal are onomatopoeia and ideophones? I see them used in day-to-day conversation, but would you see them in an academic paper?

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