Japan and the Netherlands join US with tough chip controls on China

Japan and the Netherlands join US with tough chip controls on China


  1. > [ASML is] the only company in the world that produces so-called ultraviolet lithography machines, which are critical to the production of advanced semiconductors.

    No it’s not you dimwits, that’s why Japan needs to ban sales of these machines to China as well.

    ASML is the only company that produces _extreme_ UV (EUV) lithography machines, but export of those to China are already banned in the Netherlands (for years – not a single one ever made it to China).

    However, Canon and Nikon are also major _deep_ UV (DUV) lithography machine makers and sales/export of these machines to China shall now be banned in both the NL and JP.

    But China already has a lot of DUVL machines, so the impact won’t be that big afaict.

    (EUV is the more advanced – or rather the most advanced – process.)

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