Employer subtracting 15 from each shift

So I’ve been working in a day care for the last 2 months, everything’s been going great but when I received my first pay check I was made aware that 15 min will be subtracted from each shift if they surpass 4 hours. I was not informed of this when I was hired. My employer argues that these 15 minutes come from bathroom breaks or the time you use to drink water etc. I find this to be a bit out of line but I was wondering if other places have similar rules set in place.

  1. Make sure to take those 15 minutes uninterrupted otherwise they need to pay you for your time.

  2. Sounds like a load of bullshit to me. Have a look at the details of your contract or work policy manual and see if it says anything about that. If not maybe consult with the labor board or a union. Hell, you might want to do that even if it does, just to make sure everything is above board.

  3. Companies will do literally anything to save money. But the way you make it sound, are you working there part time? As all shifts should be 8 anyway

  4. I’d leave 15 min early every day “oh I had no breaks today, this is my 15 min”.

    That and look for a new job and quit without notice.

  5. They are required to give you 15 minutes of uninterrupted break if you work 4 hours. This can be unpaid, but it must be uninterrupted.

    Subtracting for bathroom breaks sounds kind of illegal.

    Find a new job, and then go to the labor bureau to dish out some justice against your employer.

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