What’s the best app or way to sell 2nd hand items? I rather not give it to any pawn shops for cheap just for them to upsell it.

I just want to sell some of my stuff maybe even a few old art pieces I’ve made to make way for new ones. Any help is appreciated.

  1. What do you mean by “best”? What do you value the most in such apps? Is it easiness to put up items for sale, is it the ability to ship items with less hassle, is it the app’s fee? Or something else?

    I will speak for myself. About a year ago I decided to terminate my apartment rental contract in hopes to live a nomad life for a bit, and I had a lot of various items that I wanted to sell off. I didn’t have much time in my day to prepare listings, upload photos, and I wanted to be able to ship items with as much ease as possible (preferably by doing everything from my phone). I didn’t care so much about transaction fees – I just wanted to get some money back, and to know that at least my stuff will be used by someone and not go to waste. I was looking for a platform that optimizes for these things. And I found Mercari to be great for that, thanks to how they optimize the overall user experience for easiness to put up items for sale + how easy it is to ship items out. If that’s what you’re looking for – I definitely recommend to try it out!

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