I can’t wait for him to make a appearance at the rumble tomorrow

I can’t wait for him to make a appearance at the rumble tomorrow

  1. Where did these rumours even start? I don’t get it, Jay White is my favourite wrestler, but I absolutely do not see this happening. He is wrestling against Kingston next month…

  2. I’m happy for the guy. His gimmick in Japan was so stale. He was probably stuck in the Bullet Club, which he deserves far better than that. I’m really curious to see what he does from here.

  3. There is no chance this happens. Karl Anderson was on a per appearance pay so he wasn’t technically legally bound to NJPW, which made him available to appear in Impact. This made it possible to sign to WWE without worrying about the Never championship. This is not the case with white

  4. I’m not even joking but if Douki came out in the rumble I’d fuckin shit and pop harder for that over anything else that could possibly happen

  5. I can’t wait for a year from now we’re seeing Jay white Still in njpw and all the wwe stand talking about how he’s overrated, how he’s not really good/just another Indy guy.
    Jay White is gonna go do whatever it is that Tanahashi was hinting at a while back because Jay White would be neutered as fuck in the wwe and he knows it. I could be wrong and he ends up going for the pay day, but I doubt it. But what do I know.

  6. At this point, I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s been speculated every year for years now.

    I’ve no doubt Jay would do very well on American tv if given the chance.

  7. wouldn’t this be impossible anyway unless wwe really wanted to give the FU to njpw.

    the “loser leaves japan” match hasn’t even happened or at least televised yet

  8. Sure wish he would have been there. Not one big surprise. Wow, mid card Cody is headlining WrestleMania! Yippee!!!!!!!

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