Going to pop the question

I’m going to ask my girlfriend to marry me in Japan on our trip in April, but I haven’t decided exactly where yet but I am planning to do it during an overnight trip to Nikko/stay in a Ryokan.

One thought was to do it on the Shinkyo bridge, which is a definite bucket list for this trip, and a place she keeps talking about visiting.

I was wondering if anyone knew if this would be frowned upon, I don’t want to upset anyone, and I’d certainly be considerate of others waiting etc. neither of us are attention seekers, but I really want to make this a special and memorable moment for us.


  1. I was gonna say you cannot actually cross the bridge, but apparently you can for a small fee. Interesting, never saw anyone do that. You’ll probably be alone on the bridge but there will be droves of tourists taking photos from the other bridge twenty meters away, I don’t know if you would mind that.

    I don’t think anybody would be upset if you would do it there.

    You need to give some more info where you’re going and if you prefer a private location if you want other suggestions.

  2. 300 Yen will get you in to allow you to walk across the bridge.
    The problem is since it’s opening during certain hours, it’s not like you can go super early in the morning to beat any type of crowd, but the good thing is I doubt they’ll be that much of a crowd.

    If you want to make it more private, I say get there at opening (8:30-9am) and propose! I doubt anyone cares even if there are people around anyhow, just depends how private you want it!

    Best of luck!

  3. From a relationship perspective–I’d be wary of popping the question on an overseas trip unless you’ve both talked about the possibility before.

  4. You might want to check out kinugawa for ryokans too if you are visiting Nikko. Lots of great places.

  5. As far as actually proposing in public in Japan goes, I can say from first hand experience it went just fine! Me and my partner went in 2019, I proposed in a nice spot we found while exploring Ueno park, cherry blossoms all over etc. Bystanders didn’t mind at all, heard a few “aww” etc, and one even offered to take our picture ^^

  6. I was so paranoid of losing the ring during the flight etc I ended up proposing before we left for the airport! Gave her a chance to get away while she still could, too, I guess, haha

  7. As others say, you can cross the bridge for a small fee. But I would warn against doing it there or anywhere else over water as a small slip could be a disaster!

  8. I was proposed to in Tokyo (late ex-husband), and while that marriage didn’t last, it was a very fun proposal. The street vendors saw it and someone brought us fancy drinks to celebrate and we painted the town and wound up at a love hotel in Shibuya somewhere.

    This was in the late 90s. Ah, memories. Thanks for that. 🙂

    Anyway, just giving you all my good vibes for a fantastic proposal in a wonderful country and a lifetime of good times. Kampai! 🥂

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