[Question] Meaning of に in しずかに (and similar words)

is adding に to the end of an adjective just a way of saying “be \_\_\_”?

  1. Adding に to the end of な-adjectives turns it into an adverb.
    In your example, 静か which is ‘quiet’ becomes 静かに which is ‘quietly’.

    In a sentence:



    He quietly entered the room

  2. Since に is a particle that sort of refers to a location (or recipient, if a person), in the sense that it’s a goal or a target, I try to just internalize that meaning and then find out when it’s used by example.

    For example, instead of trying to remember “oh in this situation, it’s like an -ly”, I just think 静かに expresses a goal of quietness. に is used in many situations, most not mapping to -ly.. but all are related to a target/goal of what’s being expressed.

    I should clarify, if I were trying to translate into English, then knowing when it maps to -ly is more critical. I was more referring to my thinking process, where I’m just trying to understand it more natively (and faster), without an added layer of translating to my native language.

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