Learn vocabulary with TV and movie clips with Umi

Hey everyone, I’m one of the founders of the app Umi. ([Google play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.immersely.immersely) | [App store](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1628381103))

Many of you are familiar with input hypothesis, Stephen Krashen (the legend), and immersion. For those of you that aren’t – basically your brain acquires a language through lots of comprehensible exposure over time. In other words – you need context to understand a language.

The problem is that there isn’t an easy way to get comprehensible input.

This is what Umi is trying to solve. We’ve taken hundreds of TV shows and movies, cut them into clips, then teach words based on how frequent each word was used.

Our ultimate goal is to have a clip database large enough that we can organize with n+1 sentences (where the only unknown word in each clip is the target word). Right now we have over 10,000 clips for 4000 target words just for Japanese with plans to expand to 10,000 words.

The app is free (although we run an ad at the end of each lesson, which is 5 words and 15 clips). There’s a built-in SRS review system. We’re improving the app weekly.

Would love to get some feedback from the community on what we’re doing right and what could be improved.

Thanks for checking it out!

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