Summer Camps

Planning for the summer already. What are the summer camps in Japan that you can recommend? My kids are bilingual.

Band camp?
Computer camp?
English camp?
Japanese camp?
Other camp?

Anywhere inside Japan is fine.

Day camp or overnight or homestay.

Youngest is 8 and oldest is 17 so does not need to be the same camp.

  1. I saw a vegetable camp once… may be a good option if your children are around 5 years old.

  2. Age? Location? I know of ISOS- English Summer Sports Camp in Yokohama. On Instagram it’s @ISOSJapan.

  3. When my kids were young we rented a monthly hotel in Tokyo and they attended summer courses at the American School in Japan (ASIJ). They took forensic science, robotics, math, and basketball, but there were lots of other classes. Although, the competition to get in was fierce—had to sign up really early. Not sure they still do it because of COVID, but worth checking out. My kids loved it, especially the basketball and the forensic science. We did it several years in a row and they had classes from elementary through high school.

  4. Cheap option: go to Iriomote or Sado island, pitch a tent on the beach, enjoy.

    (obv., no free time for parents in this case)

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