How to easily read sentences that wrap around themselves (photo example)

I was struggling to conceptualize this sentence and could only do so with Google translate and straining my brain. Maybe I’m an idiot but as a native English speaker, how can I compute these sentences more easily?

Example from book on Ainu patterns: 文様を置くところの生地を約半分に折りたたむをくりかえすという原則でした。
Eng: A general rule is to take the part of the fabric where the pattern was placed and fold it approximately in half repeatedly (or is it just “fold it again”?)

1 comment
  1. there’s a の missing there (that made me do a double take, it should be 折りたたむのを), but otherwise, the only real answer that can be given is ‘practice’.

    There is no secret sauce, if there was some magic method to make complicated tasks easier, everyone would use it.

    Break down the structure, figure out why it means what it means, and carry that forward. The next time only needs to be a second faster, that progress will accumulate so long as you’re patient.

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