House オプション

I am in the process of buying a house, which オプション(floor coating, curtain rails, etc…) are necessary and which ones should I avoid wasting money on?

There’s an argument whether floor coating makes a difference.
For curtains rails, I think it’s cheaper to do it by myself?

Any other オプション I should be looking at?
Which ones are really needed to get before moving in?


  1. Floor coating you can do by yourself.

    Curtain rails you can do by yourself if you have an electric drill/driver. However the place where you buy the curtains may provide rail installation for a low price.

    What other options are available?

  2. We only did the screens as a lot of new houses don’t come with them. When we bought our curtains at a shop they installed the rails for either free or very cheap can’t remember

  3. We did ceramic coat for the bath, 3 years in and still no mold at all, so either it worked or the ventilation is good enough

  4. One good point about getting all the opinions is that the prices is included in your overall loan, and usually come with a warranty. Therefore, it is one less immediate out-of-pocket expense. If the price is comparable (with convenience added in), I would always choose the “option.”

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