Shiga Kogen in a day – bad idea?

Hi everyone.

I already have accommodation booked in Yudanaka for 1 night in mid-April. I was originally planning to arrive and enjoy the onsens, then see the snow monkeys the next day before heading back to Tokyo. Lately i’ve been seeing a lot of people saying the monkeys are not worth it this time of year when there is no snow so i thought maybe I’d try to fit in a day of skiing instead.

Would it be crazy to try visiting Shiga Kogen and heading back to Tokyo in 1 day? I have breakfast at 8am at my ryokan in Yudanaka and I see it’s only a short (40 mins or so) bus ride direct to the ski resort. Does it seem reasonable to be able to head over, get lift tickets/ski rentals, spend most of the afternoon skiing, and get back to Tokyo without feeling like the whole thing is rushed/not worth it? I know the trip back will be quite hectic.

Can anyone share their experience with rentals? I can’t find much info on reserving ahead of time, so I’m wondering if it’s difficult to get rentals on arrival and if it’d be very busy trying to do this in mid-April? I’m hoping maybe the spring season is less chaotic?

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

  1. If you asking, whether it’s possible and reasonable – it can be done, but you have to brace yourself for the way back to the city taking 3 hours+. If you are comfortable with that – you should get a nice day out.

  2. April is not nice for skiing anymore in my opinion. At least not in shiga korgen. During the day it will be slush and ice at night. Went in March last year and it rained all day

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