Foreign worker population in Japan hits record 1.82 million

Foreign worker population in Japan hits record 1.82 million

  1. japan is clean and safe because of the CULTURE.

    the higher this number goes up, the lower that culture. a lot of foreigners adopt some Japanese culture. but, i cant think of another city with as much kind culture as Japan.

    the higher the percentage of foreigners go, the lower the culture. The people didn’t come here because it’s worse here. they came for the culture of the people.

    Keep those visas difficult. or the trains will start to get louder.

  2. That’s still only ~3% of the workforce.

    South Korea had ~1.425 million foreign-born workers in 2016 (~5% of the workforce).

    Taiwan had ~700,000 foreign-born workers in 2022 (~6% of the workforce).

    My home country of Australia has ~5 million foreign-born workers in 2022 (~35% of the workforce).

    Frankly, I think East Asia will decline significantly in economic power over the next 25-50 years relative to places like Southeast Asia, Africa, and Western countries which have more open borders and foreigner-friendly attitudes.

    Correction: Japan’s total workforce is ~70 million, making foreigners account for ~2.6% of the workforce, which I incorrectly rounded to 2%. Now rounded to 3%.

  3. Japan has lost its domestic fertility rate, and the aging rate is the highest in the world, and even foreign labor is not used very well.

    They don’t care about increasing the birth rate of their own citizens, but that doesn’t mean they get immigration. Will Japan maintain its status as an economic powerhouse?

    I don’t think so. Japan will soon be overtaken economically by Spain.

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