Is the book 罪の声 good to read for someone N2-N1?

So I am not specifically studying for the JLPT, but I have N2 and have in the past studied for N1 (Now I just work in Japanese and read/watch Japanese media). Biggest issue is my vocab is total shit. I have horrible memory and there’s so many words I don’t know. I use anki as well, which has helped tremendously.

I’ve been going through 罪の声, but man I have to look up words constantly, and a lot of the phrasing is complex. I had my girlfriend read it, but for some reason she was struggling. Though, I had a government document I had her read one time and she said she couldn’t read all the words, stating she is a professional pianist as the excuse, so I’m not sure if she is just bad at reading.

Has anyone read the book? I’d like to know your opinion on it if you have. There are other books I’d like to read, so I would like to know if I should struggle through it or read something a little easier. I have Edogawa Ranpo’s short story collection that has been a fun read.

  1. I haven’t read the book, but don’t be afraid to quit a book.

    If you’re struggling, bored, don’t like the author’s style, main character has all the personality of scrunched tinfoil, just can’t get into it, whatever, put it aside and pick something else to read.

  2. I think it is definitely not an easy breezy mystery read. I read it post N1 and after reading a decent amount of other books and still remember struggling with it as it had complex phrasing and dialect mixed in.

    I would personally focus on something else that’s easier to read if and come back to it later when your vocabulary is further along unless you are very interested in the story (which I do admit is engrossing since it is somewhat based on real events). That way your focus isn’t split between the difficult writing style and huge amount of unknown words.

  3. There are sites like jpdb and koohi were you can review vocabulary for certain books before you start reading them either by most used words or in the otder they appear. Both databases are actively worked on so it’s worth checking if they have your book after a while.

  4. Are you sure she isn’t just being nice? I read some of the sample and, of course its no simple romcom, but it’s not exactly 源氏物語 level

    Either way, you’re always free to try other books and return to the harder ones. If you don’t manage to find one you can read easily, sometimes getting through the first couple chapters will get you used to the vocab and writing style.

  5. “she said she couldn’t read all the words, stating she is a professional pianist as the excuse”


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