Relatively new house, year round allergies in bedroom. Help!


We’re living in a wooden house built about 4 years ago. In spring and summer we leave the bedroom windows (there are 6 of them) closed because we assumed pollen was blowing in. In winter we use the Aircon heater with a Panasonic humidifier / purifier combo (usually shows a green light for “clean” air). Humidity stays at around 50-60%.

I almost always have a blocked nose when I sleep in there. Recently I opened all the windows for the whole day to try and let some fresh air blow through. Vacuumed everything including the curtains and washed the bedding. The Aircon filters and purifier are also regularly vacuumed and cleaned. I still wake up several times a night with post-nasal drip, a slight cough and blocked nose.

My son sleeps in the same room with me and also coughs / sniffs when sleeping. Nieces have also commented how they don’t usually have allergies but were bunged up after sleeping over once or twice.

No idea what else to try. I’m fine during the daytime in other parts of the house. I’m considering buying a cheapish Amazon air quality monitor but the reviews don’t seem great on most. Any suggestions?

  1. My son and I have the same problem and I did purchase an air quality monitor – that shows everything is fine. Everything in our bedrooms have been cleaned or vacuumed as much as possible. We have a newish house that we built 8 years ago and had the same problem when we lived in a brand new apartment.

    I have given up and the only way I can sleep is to take an antihistamine (Zyrtec or equivalent). If it gets really desperate I sniff one of these:


    It works every time but you can’t use it for more than a few days.

    For a long term, permanent solution I have been told your doctor can provide a lozenge which you hold under your tongue for a while. But (and I am not sure about this) it has to be taken regularly over a one or two year period, I believe you have to visit the doctor each time. I travel overseas constantly so I haven’t tried this, but might be worth checking.

  2. What’s the environment surrounding your house? In our case, we moved to a lovely place next to a large grove of Cyprus trees. Our cat developed allergies…

  3. Painted walls, or wall paper, plants in the room, carpets or not? Could be VOC’s or worst case molds growing some where. Also what kind of ventalation system does the room have, and one more thing do you always use the Humidifier/Purifier sometimes they can harbor molds.

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