I live in central Tokyo and I (along with literally every foreigner I know who lives here) NEED psychological help. Where do you guys go that’s affordable?
Prescription pills are covered by insurance, I know, but that’s not THERAPY. And Better Health is…. Problematic.
Does anyone know of anything affordable for therapy for a regular human that isn’t connected to schools? I don’t think I’m alone in saying I’m desperate.
Thanks in advance, everyone.
Please check out the medical resources on the [wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/wiki/medical)
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Here is the resource I have used for finding a therapist in Japan. There’s a good mix of Japanese and English-speaking therapists along with other languages.
the cheapest i’ve found is around 8000 per session
online service from overseas seems cheaper
I go for therapy at [Tell](https://telljp.com/donate/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA8t2eBhDeARIsAAVEga03wh1t42R_73JMKj0a06C7GJ6S6XIzbFRUnHoDdmnEZzFqCsGk0foaAu2WEALw_wcB). Their normal rate is ¥22,000 for people who make above certain number of money per month but they have a system where they decide your rate based on income. Since my income is lower I pay less than ¥10,000 per session. You can check their website and contact them with your work payment slips and they can give you a rate.
Most other places I’ve been to for therapy have charged me between ¥10,000 to ¥16,000 with no salary consideration so I’m happy where I’m now.
If everyone you know needs therapy, you probably need to get to know different people.
Psychedelic mushrooms is my therapy. 🤣