2022 JET Statement of Purpose Editing Exchange Thread

The purpose of this thread is to connect people together to proofread and edit each other’s SOP. Please be constructive with your criticism.


**Please do NOT post SOPs on this thread. Instead please share them via private message and discuss the editing outside of this thread.**


All questions about SoP itself and applying/the application should be in the mega-thread seen [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/JETProgramme/comments/xrzzot/2022_applications_faq_and_application_question/).

Future Statement of Purpose review posts, after this thread has been posted, will be deleted. Please report any that you see.

  1. Hey! Anybody willing to let me know how I could improve my SOP? This is the first time I’ve ever done an application like this so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi! I’ve written up my SoP and was looking for another set of eyes to provide their feedback. Thanks!

  3. Third year applying, never gotten to the interview stage. Would someone be willing to read through my application?

  4. Just finished my last draft and would appreciate it if someone could give it just one last lookover. Thanks!

  5. I just finished my draft and I’d appreciate it if anyone could give me some feedback! Feel free to rip it apart if the draft warrants it.

  6. Can someone take a look at mine? I just finished and I really want opinions!! Thank you so much!

  7. Just finished my sop! Would love to get some feedback! My friends gave me a lot of feedback but they’re not well acquainted with the JET program. I’m applying for the CIR position btw 🙂 please dm me or comment

  8. If anyone is interested in giving my SOP a final look over before I finalize my application, it would be appreciated. I don’t believe I’ll be performing any major edits at this point, I mostly just want opinions on the quality.

  9. Hey could anyone read my SOP? Just want someone who knows the program to give me some advice/comments

  10. I really would appreciate if someone could give my SoP draft a once-over… It’s in docs so it isn’t hard to share it quickly.

  11. Would someone be able to look over my SOP? I’m not done yet; but I would like some advice.

  12. Could someone take a look at my SOP? I’m mostly done but I’m having trouble trimming down the last few lines.

  13. I have a really solid draft that I think is almost ready, but I would love some other eyes to look over it! Would be happy to look at yours in exchange if you are an applicant!

  14. About to finish up my SOP! Does anyone want to look over each other’s SOP? Let’s help each other out. 🙂

  15. Hello! Would someone be able to review my SOP and provide any feedback? A shocking question I know. As a side note, I will be applying in Canada.

  16. Hi, does anyone know how to format the Sop? I tried looking for any guidelines but there wasn’t much info on the JET website. Specifically, I was wondering if I could include headings and subheadings?

  17. Hey everyone! Last time, I managed to make it to the interview stage with the old essay. This time around, I made a few changes and wanted some opinions on if I should resubmit the old one or send in the new one. Dm me if you want to review it pls☺️ it would really help a lot

  18. Having some application anxiety at the moment and would really appreciate a second set of eyes on my SOP. Would anyone be willing to take a look before I submit my application?

  19. Anyone down to do a trade? You read mine/I’ll read yours? This is my first time applying 🙂

  20. Are there any current/former JETs that can look over my SoP? It’s my first time applying.

  21. I am applying from the Philippines and I just submitted mine earlier. Is there anyone here who’s interested to give feedback on mine and i’ll feedback on yours as well. I have a strong feeling that my SOP sounds self-centred and I am extremely anxious now 😭

  22. Can anyone review the intro for my SOP? I’ve been stuck on it for days and can’t write the rest of my SOP because of it.

  23. Just finished my SOP – finally got it down to 2 pages – eagerly looking to swap SOPs for feedback!! DM me!

  24. yes im super late but anyone willing to critique my SOP at this late hour would be super appreciated, PM me

  25. Just finished my first draft of my SoP (last minute I know) but would greatly appreciate any feedback! PM me if interested

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