Order to read while using this books?


Sorry I’m new to this.

I tried to see if there were clases available near me but there really aren’t in my country.

A friend from the US sent me some books and I was wondering the order in which to read them.

The books are:

Genki 1 and 2.

An integrated approach to intermediate Japanese. (Both discs)

New authentic Japanese workbook progressing from intermediate to advanced Japanese.

Tobira gateway to advance Japanese learning.

I think from what I read that I’d do Genki 1 and 2 followed by an integrated approach to intermediate Japanese. Then new authentic Japanese workbook and finally Tobira gateway.

Would that be the correct way to do it. Would those textbooks allow me to pss the language exams or am I screwed.

Thanks for your help and sorry for the inconvenience.

1 comment
  1. Genki I -> Genki II -> Tobira

    That would be my suggestion but some people prefer IAIJ over Tobira. Since you have the books, you can compare them to see what suits you best and decide accordingly. Those books would get you upto N3. I also recommend adding Tango vocab books, 完全マスター文法 and 読解 for N3.

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