Do payslips count as proof of paying the residence tax?

I lived in a different city on January 1st of this year so I pay tax for there. Last year I had to pay tax on my own via the little slips they send in the mail, but now my employer deducts the tax from my salary. So when it comes time to renew my visa do I need to contact my old city hall for a proof of payment or are my payment slips sufficient? Or is there paperwork I need from my employer since they are the ones deducting the tax?

Sorry if my question is confusing. I worked at a very small independent international school last year and now I’m at a job that takes care of everything for me (tax, insurance provided, etc.) but the first time I ever renewed my visa years ago there was a problem with residence tax and now I make sure to get it organized well in advance before I even think about asking for time off to go to immigration.

  1. There’s a certification to prove you pay your taxes (doesn’t matter if by yourself vs via company). Something like 納税証明書

  2. > So when it comes time to renew my visa do I need to contact my old city hall for a proof of payment or are my payment slips sufficient?

    You need the certificate from the city hall. If you’ve got a My Number card you can print one off at the convenience store, otherwise you can post them a form to apply if you don’t want to travel.

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