Japan Travel, COVID-19, And You: Guidelines On Travel & Pandemic News Update Thread – March 2021

##UPDATED March 2021 – [**The ban on all New Entries has been confirmed to continue indefinitely,**](https://www.japan.travel/en/coronavirus/) unless there are exceptional circumstances – tourism does not fall under this definition. At present, entry is only permitted for Japanese Nationals, their Spouses, or Permanent Residents currently residing full-time in Japan – overseas residents with dual citizenship, or primary Japanese citizenship are not likely to be admitted unless it is a case of a medical or family emergency. We strongly urge you to check with the [Embassy of Japan in your departure county to confirm any attempted entry](https://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/over/index.html), as you will not be able to board a plane without proper documentation signed and stamped from the Embassy approving your trip. According to The Japan Times, [**Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said at a news conference on March 19th**](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/03/19/national/vaccine-passports/) **that Japan has no plans to ease travel restrictions for travelers with vaccine certificates issued overseas.**

##**We are continuing our Discussion Thread this month on entry for the Olympics and Tourism in 2021. Posts on these topics will be redirected to [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/lvdrns/discussion_the_tokyo_olympics_the_future_of/?) until there is an official release from the Government on either decision.**

##**Frequently Asked Questions – March 2021**

>- **If you are looking to commiserate with other New Entrants affected by the ban, please go to** [**/r/movingtojapan’s Megathread for discussion.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/comments/ls0dqr/covid19_entry_restrictions_discussion_and/)

>- **If you are seeking information on *re-entry with the new restrictions*, [**start with past /r/japanlife Megathreads, especially in regards to quarantine measures.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/search?q=covid-19+discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) Questions regarding this topic will be removed and redirected.**

>- **If you are still stranded, and need to renew your Tourist Visa while in Japan, you will need to contact the Authorities at the** [**Immigration Services Agency Of Japan**](http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/) **to confirm you are still able to renew and continue your stay if necessary. Questions regarding this topic will be removed.**

>- **Are you arriving in Japan for a stopover while on the way to another country? Transit *through* Japan is ONLY possible through Narita Airport, Haneda Airport, or Kansai Airport. *You cannot depart any airport to catch a flight to your destination without facing quarantine measures.* If you are flying on a newly booked or rebooked ticket, please speak to your airline right away if you have concerns. Questions regarding this topic will be removed.**

>- [**Japan-Guide.com is keeping a list of tourist attractions that have been affected by the ongoing pandemic.**](https://www.japan-guide.com/news/alerts.html) This list is updated when closures and re-openings occur, and is updated as necessary.

>- **Please check [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/search?q=Japan+Travel%2C+COVID-19%2C+And+You%3A+Guidelines+On+Travel+%26+Pandemic+News+Update+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) for previous Pandemic Megathreads on this topic, dating back to 2020.**

##**Confirmed Cases, News Sources, and Maps – Updated: 03/31**

>**As of this writing, Japan has 475,880 confirmed cases, and 9,189 people have died.**

>- [**NHK News Japan Prefectural Infection Map:**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus/data/) This breakdown is provided by NHK Japan, and the information is culled from the Ministry of Heath in Japan.

>- [**The JHU CSSE Map:**](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html) is another source for infections in Japan and worldwide.

>- [**NHK World Coronavirus Portal:**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/tags/82/) Updated with news and confirmed cases daily, short read articles and quick videos on topics related to the ongoing pandemic in Japan.

>- [**The Japan Times Covid-19 Live Thread:**](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/liveblogs/news/coronavirus-outbreak-updates/) Also updates with news and confirmed cases, and tends towards longer articles with more sources in regards to the pandemic, travel, and tourism in Japan.

##**TOURISM NEWS UPDATES – March 2021**

**03/30** – [**From NHK News – Tokyo, Osaka braces for another wave of cases.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210330_40/) Tokyo reported the second highest tally of daily cases at 364. It’s the 11th straight day the count has been higher than it was a week earlier. Experts are calling on health authorities to secure more hospital beds in case the number of serious cases surges. More than 2,000 cases were reported across the country on Tuesday. Nearly 370 patients are in serious condition.

**03/25** – [**From Kyodo News – Japan opts not to resume travel subsidy program until at least June.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/03/c18b11af2b1b-japan-opts-not-to-resume-travel-subsidy-program-until-at-least-june.html) The Japanese government will not resume a subsidy program for promoting domestic tourism until June at the earliest due to concerns over a resurgence of the new coronavirus, even as a state of emergency was lifted for the last remaining area earlier this week, a person familiar with the matter said Thursday.
The government will earmark 300 billion yen ($2.8 billion) as reserves to support municipalities’ own travel promotion initiatives until the “Go To Travel” campaign restarts, the person said.

**03/24** – [**From NHK News – Surge in new cases of coronavirus across Japan.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210325_01/) The Tokyo metropolitan government has reported the highest number of new coronavirus cases in a month, just three days after a state of emergency was lifted. Tokyo officials confirmed 420 new infections Wednesday. It’s the second tally this month to breach 400. And it’s further stoking fears a new wave could be on the way. Officials further north share that anxiety. Sendai Mayor Kohri Kazuko said, “We’re experiencing an unprecedented upsurge. It’s very critical.” Miyagi’s capital is home to a million people. It declared its own state of emergency last week, but cases continue to rise, now hitting a daily record of 131. The mayor is calling for more testing, and for bars and restaurants to shorten their business hours starting Thursday.

**03/20** – [**From The Mainichi – Japan mulls coronavirus variant test for all inbound travelers.**](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210321/p2g/00m/0na/020000c) Under the current system, all people arriving from 24 designated countries where coronavirus variants are known to exist are required to take additional testing three days after entering Japan. Authorities also carefully monitor whether they are strictly observing a 14-day self-quarantine period. **While speaking of the need to tighten border controls on an NHK television program, Tamura also said the government is considering contracting private security companies to monitor those who should be self-quarantining at their accommodation to make sure they adhere to the rules.**

**03/20** – [**From NHK News – Overseas fans not allowed to attend Tokyo Olympics**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210321_06/) **Top officials responsible for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics say overseas spectators won’t be allowed to attend the Games due to the coronavirus pandemic. Tokyo 2020 President Hashimoto Seiko said, “Countries around the world, including Japan, are strictly restricting cross-border travel. The current situation makes it difficult to guarantee free entry into Japan from abroad this summer.” The announcement came after a highly-anticipated meeting of organizers. Over 600,000 tickets have been sold abroad. People who bought them will be able to get refunds.**

**03/19** – [**From The Japan Times – ‘Vaccine passports’ could help global travel resume. But is Japan on board?**](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/03/19/national/vaccine-passports/) As the debate on vaccine certificates for overseas travel heats up, there are increasing expectations that Japan will also recognize vaccine certifications issued overseas and will exempt holders from its entry bans.
But **Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said at a news conference Friday that Japan has no plans to ease travel restrictions for travelers with vaccine certificates issued overseas.”** We will closely monitor the discussions and situations in various countries,” Kato said.

**03/18** – [**From SoraNews24 – Travelers entering Japan will have to install location confirmation app, Skype on smartphones.**](https://soranews24.com/2021/03/19/travelers-entering-japan-will-have-to-install-location-confirmation-app-skype-on-smartphones/) As noted on the website for the [Ministry Of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00250.html), as of March 18, **inbound travelers will be required to install three apps on their smartphones before leaving the airport. The three apps are the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s COCOA COVID-19 contact tracing app, Skype, and OSSMA, a location confirmation app. The combined apps are to be used in confirming compliance with the 14 days of self-quarantine** that inbound travelers are required to complete before moving about the general population. **So what if you don’t have a smartphone, or are using an outdated model that can’t run the apps? You’ll be required to rent a phone that can from the airport, and pay for it out of your own pocket.** In addition to showing that the apps are installed and running, **inbound travelers will also be required to sign a written pledge to comply with the protocols. Failure to do so can result in public publishing of the violator’s name and, in the case of foreign nationals, deportation, including the revocation of residence status for foreigners living in Japan on work or study visas.**

**03/17** – [**From The Japan Times – Suga says COVID-19 emergency will be lifted for Tokyo region on Monday.**](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/03/17/national/soe-tokyo-lifting-suga/) As new coronavirus cases in Tokyo hit a monthly high, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga declared Wednesday evening that he intends to lift the nation’s last remaining COVID-19 state of emergency — currently covering the capital and three neighboring prefectures — as scheduled on Monday. The decision is expected to be made official at the government’s task force meeting Thursday, which will follow a meeting of an expert advisory panel.

**03/15** – [**From Kyodo News – No spectators at opening ceremony of Tokyo Olympic torch relay**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/03/77ba7e8c23d5-no-spectators-at-opening-ceremony-of-tokyo-olympic-torch-relay.html) The Tokyo Games organizing committee said Monday the Olympic torch relay’s opening ceremony on March 25 will be held without spectators in the northeastern Fukushima Prefecture to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. The ceremony at the J-Village soccer training center, which was a frontline base to manage the nuclear crisis triggered by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, will only be attended by the event’s participants and invitees to avoid large crowds forming.

**03/14** – [**From NHK News – Japan tests COVID-19 status app for travelers.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210315_15/) Five people had their saliva taken at a PCR-testing site. The samples were sent to a nearby facility for analysis. About two hours later, participants received a notice on their smartphones indicating a negative result. By linking the data with the app, users can show their results with a QR code that acts as a globally accepted certificate.

**03/12** – [**From NHK News – Variant reported in Philippines detected at Narita.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210312_40/) A coronavirus variant reported in the Philippines has been detected in a man who arrived at Narita airport, near Tokyo, from the country. The health ministry says the man in his 60s arrived at the airport on February 25 and tested positive at quarantine. An examination at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases discovered the variant in the sample taken from him. This is the first time the variant has been detected in Japan. The man has reportedly shown no symptoms of COVID-19. The institute says the strain may be more infectious than the original one, and that it can pose the same level of threat as other variants spreading in Britain, South Africa and Brazil. In the Philippines, there were 34 cases of infection by the variant by March 3.

**03/10** – [**From Kyodo News – Japan’s airlines partly suspend bookings on flights from abroad.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/03/a014e0a20bc7-japans-airlines-partly-suspend-bookings-on-flights-from-abroad.html) All Nippon Airways Co. stopped taking reservations on all of its international flights arriving in Japan through March 21 and may extend the suspension if the outbreak of new variants drags on, they said. Japan Airlines Co. has suspended bookings on flights from Britain, France and Germany, the officials said. The suspension will remain in place until pandemic situations improve in those countries, they added.

**03/09** – [**From Kyodo News – Japan to stage Tokyo Olympics without overseas spectators.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/03/4f0072fe1b20-spectators-not-allowed-at-start-of-tokyo-olympic-torch-relay.html) **The government has concluded that welcoming fans from abroad is not possible given concerns among the Japanese public over the coronavirus and the fact that more contagious variants have been detected in many countries, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.** Japan continues to halt new entries of foreign nationals in principle as it is taking more time than initially expected for the government to stem the number of infections since early January, when it peaked at more than 2,500 cases per day in Tokyo.

**03/09** – [**From NHK News – No spectators likely at Olympic torch relay start.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210309_21/) Sources close to the organizers told NHK that they plan to keep the relay’s departure event closed to the general public. They want to avoid creating crowds and instead host the relay in a safe manner, with antivirus measures fully in place. The organizers are expected to announce the exact details of the event nearer the time, while closely monitoring the virus outbreak in Japan.

**03/05** – [**From NHK News – State of emergency extended for Tokyo area.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210306_01/) The Japanese government has extended a state of emergency imposed to contain the coronavirus for two more weeks in Tokyo and the three neighboring prefectures of Chiba, Saitama and Kanagawa. **At a news conference on Friday evening, Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide said, “We’ve decided to extend the state of emergency until March 21. That timeframe is necessary to contain the spread of infections, as well as to assess the situation more carefully.”**

**03/04** – [**From The Asahi Shimbun – Pessimism grows about letting in foreign visitors for Olympics.**](http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14239394) Marukawa said the decision on whether to limit attendance for Olympic events would be made after considering the infection trends in Japan and abroad, as well as the lessons learned from other sporting events that have been held. A working-level meeting was held on Feb. 25 among officials of the central and Tokyo metropolitan governments as well as the Tokyo organizing committee and the IOC. According to sources, no objections were raised at the meeting about the proposal to hold off on allowing in foreign spectators.

**03/04** – [**From NHK News – State of emergency extension decision on Friday.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210304_30/) Officials have been analyzing the infection status and the strain on the healthcare systems in those prefectures. They have determined that hospital bed occupancy rates in the area need to be lowered further. Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide told a Diet committee meeting on Thursday he believes that a two-week extension would help improve the situation significantly.

**03/03** – [**From Kyodo News – Tokyo Olympic spectators may be limited to Japan residents.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/03/071af62f56f5-heads-of-tokyo-games-organizers-to-discuss-timeline-on-spectators.html) **The Japanese government is leaning toward limiting spectators at this summer’s Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics to people living in Japan to ensure safety amid the coronavirus pandemic, sources familiar with the matter said Wednesday.** […] **During the online meeting, the representatives including International Olympic Committee chief Thomas Bach and Seiko Hashimoto, president of the Tokyo Games organizing committee, also decided to draw a conclusion by the end of April on how many fans will be allowed to support athletes in the stands at each venue.** Hashimoto told reporters they confirmed that the “top priority” is to hold a safe and secure games for all participants, adding **she wants to make the decision on spectators from abroad by March 25, when the Japanese leg of the torch relay is set to begin. “Also with new variants of the virus, it is an issue that needs careful consideration,”** she told reporters after the five-party meeting, which lasted about 90 minutes.

**03/03** – [**From Kyodo News – Suga says necessary to extend COVID emergency in Tokyo region by 2 weeks.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/03/444e6e10152d-breaking-news-tokyo-area-governors-eye-extending-covid-19-emergency-by-2-weeks.html) Suga said after meeting with members of his Cabinet including health minister Norihisa Tamura and Yasutoshi Nishimura, the minister in charge of Japan’s coronavirus response, he will make a formal decision about whether to end the emergency as scheduled on Sunday after consulting with health experts and the governors concerned. […] But health experts and governors have expressed concern that a premature lifting could trigger a resurgence in infections as Japan heads into the season for cherry blossom-viewing parties. **Toshio Nakagawa, head of the Japan Medical Association, said it was necessary to “focus on bringing down the number of infections,” warning that placing more strain on hospitals could hamper the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.**

**03/02** – [**From Kyodo News – IOC, 4 other Tokyo Games organizers to meet March 3 on spectators.**](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/02/79c41b016444-breaking-news-ioc-4-other-tokyo-games-organizers-to-hold-meeting-next-wed.html) With less than five months until the opening of the Tokyo Olympics, how to deal with spectators has been one of the major challenges for the organizers of the sporting extravaganza, postponed for one year due to the pandemic. **Some officials said the organizers plan to make decisions in two phases, first concluding by March 25 whether to accept spectators from abroad before determining the number of fans allowed at venues.** The meeting is expected to be attended by IOC President Thomas Bach, International Paralympic Committee President Andrew Parsons, Tokyo Games organizing chief Seiko Hashimoto, Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike and Japan’s Olympic minister Tamayo Marukawa.

**03/02** – [**From NHK News – Experts’ view on state of emergency due this week.**](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210302_17/) Economic Revitalization Minister Nishimura Yasutoshi told reporters on Tuesday that benchmark data are being analyzed every day. He said the government and the four prefectures share the thought that the state of emergency should not be prolonged.

**03/02** – [**From The Japan Times – Koike says pace of virus decline may not be enough to lift emergency.**](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/03/02/national/japan-coronavirus-march2/) Koike said that the pace of fall in coronavirus cases had slowed, expressing concern that it may not be enough to lift a state of emergency remaining in the greater metropolitan area. “We may not make it in time,” she said, referring to the emergency declaration’s March 7 scheduled end. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has set a target for daily new cases to fall to 70% of the number confirmed the previous week. However, the rate is “close to 80 to 90%, and we have not been catching up to our schedule,” Koike said.


>**February 2021 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 433,432 – Deaths – 7,910**

>- [The State Of Emergency was extended for a month for 11 prefectures in Japan.](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210202_38/)

>- [An LDP Official indicated that Japan should restart Go To Travel Campaign In March.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/02/02/national/seko-go-to-travel/)

>- [The first version of the Olympic Playbook was released for the Tokyo Games.](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/feb/03/olympic-athletes-to-be-tested-every-four-days-as-tokyo-publishes-playbook?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other)

>- [Japan passed revised Anti-Virus Laws.](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210203_43/) Officials will be able to levy fines against people or businesses that break anti-virus rules. That includes those who test positive for the virus and are told to check into a hospital, but refuse. Individuals who lie to health officials or refuse their inquiries will also face punishments.

>- [Japan began preparing to administer the Pfizer vaccine to healthcare workers in mid-February.](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210216_30/)

>- [A COVID-19 cluster was discovered at an Immigration Facility, as new strain spreads in Japan.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/02/19/national/covid-19-immigration-facility/)

>- [Japan Minister Kono Taro warned of a slower pace of Vaccination for the elderly.](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210221/p2g/00m/0na/014000c) For people aged 65 or older, a group of about 36 million, vaccinations will start in April under the schedule set by the health ministry. Kono, speaking on a TV program, said that the vaccine will be only available in limited areas and among limited age groups during that month. He said it would be difficult to achieve the government’s goal of completing vaccination of the elderly in two months and three weeks in large cities.

>- [The Executive Director of the Olympic Games indicated a decision on overseas fans at Tokyo Games would be expected in April,](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210225/p2g/00m/0sp/056000c) as the IOC wanted the decision made “as late as possible, but as early as needed,” to observe the progress of worldwide efforts to combat the virus, while also allowing enough time for planning.

>- [**The Head of Tokyo Olympic Committee, Hashimoto Seiko, said she wants to set policy on Tokyo Olympic spectators by March 25.**](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210225/p2g/00m/0sp/115000c)

>- [Japan lifted pandemic emergency declaration for 6 prefectures earlier than the March 7th target date.](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210226_44/) Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Fukuoka, Aichi and Gifu were all released early from the state of emergency at the end of February, but Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba would remain until March 7th.

>- [The Government announced new measures to bolster watch for virus variants.](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210227_17/) Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide said at a meeting of the government coronavirus taskforce that a quicker method to detect variants will be adopted in all prefectures beginning in March.

>- [Japan may open border to Olympic athletes from next month, according to sources.](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210227/p2g/00m/0sp/078000c) Athletes barred from entering Japan due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions may be permitted to do so after the current state of emergency is lifted as Japan has temporarily suspended exemptions allowing foreign athletes to train in the country ahead of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

>- [Japan’s ‘Go To Travel’ campaign will remain suspended after the State Of Emergency is lifted, in spite of comments made by the LDP earlier this month.](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210228/p2g/00m/0na/069000c)

>- [As the month ended, concerns for the planned March end to state of emergency grew, as Tokyo’s infection decline slowed.](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210227/p2a/00m/0na/006000c) While the Tokyo Metropolitan Government had hoped the seven-day running average for new infections would fall to at least 70% of the previous week’s figure, recent new case numbers have fallen short of this target, a sign that the downward trend was ending.

>**January 2021 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 390,687 – Deaths – 5,765**

>- On January 7th, Japan declared a State Of Emergency for the Tokyo Area, as well as Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba prefectures. This was modified on January 13th to include Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Aichi, Gifu, Tochigi and Fukuoka.

>- [Word began circulating that the Organizers of the Tokyo Olympics were uncertain of the Games’ future with the current pandemic raging.](http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14091366) The event is scheduled to start within 200 days. However, with the virus situation worsening in the Tokyo metropolitan area it prompts the government to declare a monthlong state of emergency – **“The Tokyo Olympics could be canceled if the state of emergency is not lifted by March,” an official of Tokyo’s organizing committee said.**

>- [With 3 new variants discovered, Japan expanded restrictions to include those entering Japan on business and began to toughen laws on people who break quarantine.](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Coronavirus/Japan-halts-business-travel-threatens-to-deport-quarantine-violators) This halted business travel agreements reached with 11 partners including China and South Korea, in an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

>- The Health Ministry announced a plan to track foreign entrants who test positive for COVID on entry to Japan. The authorities currently register the names and nationalities of foreigners entering Japan at quarantine stations, but the database is separate from the nationwide system called HER-SYS. The Ministry is working to link the two data systems using passport numbers of travelers.

>- [A top Government Official indicated that widespread vaccination in Japan would not be a prerequisite for the Tokyo Olympics to be held in July.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/01/19/national/tokyo-olympics-coronavirus-vaccine/) This time, the focal point is whether the government is able to lift the state of emergency before the start of the torch relay, set for March 25 in Fukushima Prefecture.

>- [ANA announced that from March 28 through October 30, the following routes would be restricted or halted entirely.](https://www.anahd.co.jp/group/en/pr/202101/20210126.html) If you are affected, please contact ANA directly for more information.

>- [By the end of January, the Government began to make arrangements to extend the SOE for another month, along with adding hard hit prefectures like Okinawa to the list.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/01/31/national/japan-emergency-coronavirus-extension/) The final decision on whether to extend the current virus emergency covering 11 of Japan’s 47 prefectures beyond the original end date of Feb. 7 would be made in early February, but a source close to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said an extension would be inevitable for eight of the 11 prefectures.

>**December 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 236,464 – Deaths – 3,505**

>- IOC and Tokyo 2020 Organizers began processing refunds for the cancelled dates, and advised that resales will be based on maximum numbers allowed in the Venues – which should be decided in the Spring of 2021.

>- [Japan indicated it plans to allow large-scale tourism in to the country for the Olympics,](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/12/02/national/overseas-visitors-olympics/) with qualifications for entry being discussed by organizers and the Government.

>- [Japan also began considering limited resumption of tourism in the Spring from Asian countries,](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/12/06/national/japan-inbound-tourism-coronavirus/) like China and Taiwan through tourist groups. These groups would have to adhere to restrictions such as travel only by hired vehicles, and use of a tracing app to log daily updates on their health.

>- [As a result, Japan launched a Health Monitor Center for inbound tourism.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/12/09/national/japan-health-center-tourists-coronavirus/) **Tourists will be required to register their passport numbers with the center and input daily updates on their health condition for two weeks, the sources said. If a person is suspected to be infected with the virus, the center will provide consultations, available in multiple languages, and the information gathered at the center will be made available to public health centers and prefectural governments. […] All Travelers will be required to take a polymerase chain reaction test for the virus, submit the results before entry and buy medical insurance, among other conditions.**

>- The Ministry and Keisei Electric Railway began preparations for accepting International tourists by designating cars for use on Express Trains departing from Narita Airport. Arrivals will be asked to use designated routes in the airport and train stations to prevent mixing with other passengers. They will also be asked to use hire cars or private vehicles from Keisei-Ueno Station to their final destination. If any of them are later confirmed to be infected, their personal identification information and train seat reservation numbers will be used to trace close contacts.

>- But as the third wave began to crest in Japan, [locals expressed serious concerns, and outright rejection of the Olympics being held in 2021 – or at all.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/12/15/national/most-oppose-holding-olympics/)

>- By late December, the news for those seeking entry was not good as [Japan halted new entries of foreigners](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/12/27/national/japan-entry-foreign-nationals-coronavirus/) in response to a newly discovered variant in the UK and South Africa. This first closure was set to end on January 31st.

>- Japan announced that it continues working on the [tracking system for foreigners](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/12/27/national/japan-tracking-system-travelers-overseas-coronavirus/) intended to assist during the influx of tourism expected for the 2021 Games.

>- [The Go To Travel campaign was suspended for the Christmas and New Years’ holiday,](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/12/29/national/go-to-travel-suspension-tourism/) in an attempt to curb the explosion of the virus in the last 30 days. Resumption was set for January 11th, 2021.

>- A State Of Emergency could be declared again in Japan as a result of the current spread of COVID-19 and the arrival of variants from overseas in the past week.

>- Japan began expanding Airport Quarantine Measures and adding more countries to the Ban List, based on the discovery of the UK and South African variants of COVID-19 in those locations.

>**November 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 151,734 – Deaths – 2,206**

>- Early November saw the Government begin to step up efforts against cluster infections in Japan, as cases again began to rise with Christmas holidays and New Years’ festivities on the horizon.

>- [Olympic organizers began to scrutinize the response from other major sporting groups in an effort to develop of plan for the 2021 Olympics.](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/1366/)

>- [Japan also began to consider lifting quarantine for Olympic spectators from overseas.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/11/11/national/japan-quarantine-olympics-spectators-overseas/)

>- [By mid-November, Tokyo raised the alert as Japan sets a daily record with 2,000-plus COVID-19 cases.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/11/18/national/tokyo-coronavirus-alert-level/)

>- [This led to the Government to revise the Go To Travel Campaign amid the Nationwide surge in infections.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/11/21/national/go-to-travel-coronavirus-surge/) Cities began to be excluded from the Go To Travel campaign entirely as hospitals began to strain under the admitted cases.

>- [The end of November saw a frank warning from the Virus Response Chief in Japan,](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/11/26/national/japan-virus-emergency-possible/?app) as a new State Of Emergency is floated if the virus is not brought under control by late December – in time for the holidays.

>**October 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 102,166 – Deaths – 1,783**

>- The Government is considering [ways to lift the Tourism shutdown imposed on International travel on a trial basis](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/10/05/national/japan-entry-ban-foreign-tourists/) earlier than the expected re-opening date of July for the Tokyo Olympics.

>- [Public opinion is reigniting debate on the Games,](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/10/08/national/cancel-or-proceed-public-statements-reignite-debate-on-2020-games/) as there is a high likelihood that the influx of non-residents could trigger another widespread outbreak.

>- Specialized contact tracing methods are being developed to adapt to the massive scale of the work required to keep as many people safe as possible.

>**September 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 84,414 – Deaths – 1,588**

>- The IOC looks at easing virus restrictions for athletes that would compete in the 2021 Olympics, confirms the 2021 Games would happen with or without Covid-19, and began the task of cutting costs intended to counter the pandemic concerns from the international community.

>**August 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 68,200 – Deaths – 1,285**

>- Full-fledged antigen testing started at Narita, in preparation for re-opening the borders to business entry, and allowance of residents to return home. This test is saliva based, allowing a faster return time on results, but all new arrivals to Japan were still required to comply with a 14 day quarantine – many in hotels before they can return to their proper residences.

>- Late August confirmed what many had feared – **Japan was enduring a second wave of the outbreak of COVID-19.** Tateda Kazuhiro of Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases said, “We are now in the midst of a second wave. People may think coronavirus infections have peaked out, both in Tokyo and nationwide. But we need to closely monitor the situation for whether a resurgence is underway.” Tateda said the situation may be worse now than a few months back.

>- The Japanese Government finally announced that re-entry for Residents of Japan with certain statuses would be allowed as of September 1st. **Detailed on the MOFA website, this opened up the borders for Foreign Residents who had status for re-entry – namely “Permanent Resident”, ”Spouse or Child of Japanese National”, “Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident” and “Long Term Resident” (including the spouse of a Japanese national or Japanese child who does not have these statuses of residence; the same applies hereinafter) – and those who have special exceptional circumstances as noted by the Embassy of their home country.**

>**July 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 35,521 – Deaths – 1,020**

>- [Major airports began to set up PCR test centers to help restore Int’l travel.](https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20200702/p2a/00m/0na/006000c)

>- Coronavirus cases exceeded 30,000 in late July, and the Governor of Tokyo explored the possibility of calling another State of Emergency for the city in August.

>**June 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 18,631 – Deaths – 972**

>- IOC confirmed they would require the Olympics to be held in 2021 – or not at all. The IOC says they will have a plan finalized for the 2021 Olympics in September 2020.

>- Mid-month, the Japanese government revealed it was beginning a [plan to allow up to 250 businesspeople into the country each day](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/06/11/national/japan-250-business-travelers-four-countries-daily/#.XuI2-UVKiUk) from areas like Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Vietnam.

>- [Businesspeople from Vietnam became the first to be allowed into the country](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/06/cd172dae467b-urgent-travel-from-japan-to-vietnam-to-partially-resume-this-week-motegi.html) after a long closure to flights due to the virus.

>**May 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 16,759 – Deaths – 882**

>- The State of Emergency that began in April was extended in May due to the strain presented on the medical system, even though daily infections were seeing a downturn.

>- It was also revealed that if the Tokyo Olympics could not go on in 2021 due to COVID-19 spread, they would be cancelled outright – although the IOC advised they are doing their best to plan for as many possible outcomes as they could.

>- After widespread confusion, [Japan quelled rumours it would pay for half of international tourists’ expenses.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/05/27/national/japan-wont-pay-half-visitors-expenses/#.XtCSwDpKiUk) This was clarified in english to state that the credit would only apply to local, domestic tourism within the country, which began the Go To Travel Campaign in Japan.

>- As new cases begin to surface again in Tokyo, the Minister in charge of the virus response says there were no plans in place to revive the State Of Emergency for Tokyo or other cities in Japan.

>**April 2020 Summary – Confirmed Cases – 14,119 – Deaths – 435**

>- Japan began increasing travel restrictions into the country on April 3rd.

>- [Stranded foreigners were given an automatic Visa Renewal of 3 months,](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/04/504b65db2f19-foreigners-given-extra-3-months-to-renew-stay-due-to-coronavirus.html) no application necessary.

>- A State of Emergency is declared, further restricting movement to, from, and within the country.

>- On April 29th, Japan added more countries to the ban list, barring citizens or those who had traveled to many parts of Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.

>**March 2020 Summary**

>- A World Wide Pandemic is declared, and Japan begins to close borders to International Travel, as travel advisories are issued worldwide, and citizens are asked to return to their home countries.

>- [**The Tokyo Olympics are postponed officially, with a re-start date of July 23rd, 2021 being selected.**](http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13254665)

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